06 # take your own advice, kid

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choi joon reflects on when things began to shift; when did things start to change?

perhaps it was that day: the ending of fall but the start of winter.

"students," mr.song announces, gathering everybody's attention. a soft smile embraces his lips, eyes shining with as he claps his hands together. "sadly, today brings a conclusion to our time together."

the whole classroom abrupts in a mixture of boos and cheers. it marks the end of their time with mr.song but also the beginning of winter break before they all return again, only next time; a grade higher.

he laughs at their explosive reactions, although choi joon is almost a hundred percent positive he saw a few tears escape. "it has been an honor teaching you all."

choi joon wonders if he'll ever find a teacher like mr.song again. he doubts it.

fifteen minutes later and the bell announces everybody's dismissal.

children are instantly jumping up and gathering their belongings together, hooking arms with classmates they've grown closed to throughout the year. they skip their way through the halls and outside the grand doors, loud and joyous expressions painting their features.

choi joon can't deny that it's a rather monumental occasion. their back straining studying habits can be put to rest. (he won't have to drone out during classes anymore)

he's slow to leave the classroom, one, if not, the last to exit.

the raven takes his time gradually cleaning out his locker, belongings neatly split and organized between a black backpack and green bag. he's more deliberate and careful when he puts a green notebook and baby blue pen away inside the evergreen satchel.

"joon-ah." mr.song is behind him, an emotion choi joon can't label practically pouring from his gaze.

"seonsaengnim," he respectfully returns, standing to bow slightly in respect. "thank you for creating such a.." he pauses, wondering how best to complete the sentence, "..meticulous class. i've had lots of fun under your care."

and it's true. choi joon genuinely doesn't think he'll ever find somebody like mr.song again. he'd love to be proven wrong, but otherwise, he faithfully believes it's impossible for somebody to top his fifth grade teacher.

the elder man just laughs and rustles his hair. "i wasn't kidding when i said you were my favorite kid. i suppose that's only a secret you and i will know now."

choi joon raises his eyebrows. "don't worry. i'll take it to my grave," he pledges, crossing a hand over his heart.

it evokes another belt of laughter. "really.." mr.song sighs. "i hate to see you go, but i know you'll go far in your life. you have a bright future ahead of you, choi joon." the man is smiling. there's an unspoken emotion in his gaze as he pats the younger's shoulder. "hurry and pack up. i'm sure somebody is waiting for you."

speechless, all choi joon can do is nod, hands on autopilot.

"you have a bright future ahead of you, choi joon."

only now does it finally hit him that he has an actual future ahead of him; a future that's glowing with countless of opportunities.

choi joon isn't living to just survive anymore; he's living to thrive.

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