07 # hate love, love hate

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chae ai is filled with sleep ridden worry.

it's been a few days since choi joon has gone off signal, replying to not a single one of her text messages. that's not to say they contact each other often.. but enough for his sudden no-contact status to bring her some anxiety.

currently, she rests in her window alcove, blankets tightly wrapped around her figure. the cold weather is no joke. she wonders if today will be the day she gets a response.

doubtful as her phone sits at her feet with no notification in sight.

sighing, chae ai drags her eyes away from the outside world, preventing herself from counting the rooftops once again in order to cure her boredom. instead, she gazes at the magazine in her lap.

the blonde had found it underneath her bed behind a pair of dusty slippers. despite its hiding spot though, the magazine itself seemed to be a relatively new release; having been on the racks just a month prior to her death accident.

after settling in her window seat, she had tore open the plastic film and decided to preoccupy herself with the copy. clearly, she was distracted by the outside view instead.

anyways, now that she's regained said attention, she realizes the random page she slipped to was filled with photos of a young boy. he had blue hair and equally icy blue eyes. studying the page, she finds his name in tiny white print.

yoo chunyoung. child model.

the girl snorts. anybody could have guessed the latter information; it's not like he looked like an adult. well, maybe that gaze but that's about it.

he still had baby fat on his face and clearly looked to be far from reaching puberty.

it does eventually start to feel weird looking at his pictures though when she realizes that she's at least a few years older than him. hastily, she flips to another random page.

this time, she lands on an amusement park preview: lotte world the text reads in bold at the very top. so, they still had lotte world in this place huh?

chae ai scans the few pages related to the amusement park, promotions and scattered park attractions littering the borders. as she's reading their opening times, her phone sends vibration through her feet.

choi joon!

she tosses the tiny booklet to the floor and chases after the device, quickly unlocking the screen and checking her messenger app.


joonie >

Yesterday 3:18 PM


u ok?

it's been a minute :((

i'm here if u need somebody to listen to u yk

Today 12:34 PM

it's cold bro

u still haven't given me my recovery gift btw

don't break ur promise



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