United as one

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Dearest reader. It has been said that competition is an opportunity for us to rise and stand ready before our greatest of challenges, we'll, if what this author hears this morning is true, then a great challenge concerning this seasons diamond has been set forth indeed. Any suitor wishing to gain an audience with miss edwina sharma must first tame the rather prickly spinster of a beast otherwise known as her sister.
Ofcourse the only competition that compels my attention is the game of courtship. So best of luck to this years players. Do try not to stumble on the starting line.

I giggle from my seat beside benedict at the news on Whistledowns post, Penelope making jokes about how Eloise was done with her "what you must find,my dear, is happiness. Penelope, Anastasia assist me here. Eloise could indeed find that with someone else, could she not?" Violet asks 'I believe she could. And not whistledown, but someone more like—Colin?" Penelope answers making us all look up 'could you set aside the latest family squabble and embrace me?' He says jokingly all of us standing to greet him 'did not expect you to return so soon dearest!' Violet gushes 'well I missed you all. What can I say?' He replies. As I go to hug him quickly he lifts me off of my feet slightly making me laugh until the two youngest Bridgertons ran in "have you grown" 'we must get you to the doctors post-haste. This strange fuzzy growth on your chin is some kind of disease" me and benedict joke earning a slap from violet. 'And where may I ask is our intrepid viscount?' Colin asks. "He is back from courting so soon" as Anthony walks in perfectly timed. Quickly greeting his brother. 'Colin. You are retuned. Even better. Family, I should like you all to ready yourselves for the races today. We will be attending United as one.' He informs, as all the bridgertons go to ready themselves, Penelope had left and I had sat back down

"That meant you too" Anthony says sitting beside me 'I did not know I was invited' "i said we will be attending as a family United as one. Did I not?" He smiles making me smile from beside him. 'Anthony. I have been meaning to ask about lord Michael...?' I say softly "what if him stasia?" 'Just how he is? As a person I mean' I explain fiddling with a ribbon on my dress "as far as I know he is well. Has good intentions with most women he is around, and does not play around. Why?" 'I bumped into him while in the park. I was just curious' I shrug before getting off the chair to leave my book in my room before we head off.

Once we had arrived at the races I had almost instantly noticed why Anthony wanted us here. The diamond and her sister. And my assumption was proven correct when he excused himself over to her. As we're all seated together I see him chatting her up u suppose trying to gain her attention to which I only see him embarrassing himself. But then again, him being the viscount maybe it is working for him.

I feel the excitement run through me as I watch the horses begin the race, I know what one Anthony had placed a bet on so I feel as though I have to cheer that one on. I watch as the diamond walks away from Anthony already sensing his ego deflating. Ouch.


Back home, at the Bridgerton house I lay out in the sun as the Bridgerton boys began fencing laying on the bench with my legs on the other side, until colin came and sat beside me lifting my legs into his lap 'why hello' I smile "afternoon?" He winks making me giggle I continue reading while the boys argue over whatever, when Anthony takes his leave and Colin takes his place in the fencing 'how much shall we bet he is about to do something so very stupid?" I smirk making the two boys share a look 'you, Anastasia, have our brother very well sought out.' Colin laughs taking my hand and pulling me up from the bench as we make our way back to the house.


I was now dressed in the same dress as Eloise but in a pale pink colour as we left for the Danbury soirée, my hand holding onto Colin's while we watched all these men do unruely things to gain the attention of the diamond. Until Colin left to talk to Penelope, how I loved watching her get flushed talking to him, I noticed the way she had looked at him and how he had never noticed the love she had for him. How could he not notice? Why was no one telling him?

As soon as I noticed the featherington girl back into the corner 'oh pen. He will notice soon enough, if by then I had not kicked his arse for not noticing' I mumble comforting the girl rubbing her arm softly, the young girl and I were not as close as me and the bridgertons. But I would not wish to see any lady so upset over a boy. Especially not in public.

After a while Penelope and I gathered everything together and laughed together. And as the evening came to and end I did not expect Anthony to run in waving a poem? "What is it...truly to admire a woman? To look at her and feel inspiration, to delight in her beauty. So much all of your defenders crumble, and you would willingly take on any pain, any burden for her. To honor-" and with that he threw it in the fire and apologised 'Miss edwina I could stand here and pretend to be someone I am not. I could pretend to want the very same thing as you, I'd be lying. I may not be able to...offer the display of passion that you truly deserve. But I assure you that when it comes to action and duty...I shall never be found lacking. And that is what speaks louder than any pretty word ever can.' He finishes walking away as people begin to clap. My hand going to my chest as I feel it tighten. Now it was Penelope's turn to console me.

I watch as edwina goes over to talk to him, my heart only aching more, but it was my issue. I had argued with him that long ago and never wished to fix it. This was my doing.

There are two things that lurk within the dark and shadowy places of our fair city. Vermin and secrets. I shall leave it to you ,dear reader, as to which do the most harm. One has ti wonder what secrets the seasons diamond is holding near and dear to her heart. And who she will choose to share them with? The viscount Bridgerton perhaps? Atleast the eldest sharmas opinion on such a matter is certainly no secret at all.
To be fair one might call this author the biggest secret sharer of all. For who else could possibly keep all of you honest?
When even the most well-kept of secrets just eventually come to light.

I smirk to myself as I set down the newest whistledown. This season will be fun.

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