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"Regieee, you got the prettiest hair." I admired it. He just switched it back to black and I was in love with how it looked.

"You are the prettiest girl, Jessieeee," He said, moving his fingers through my hair. It has been about a week since the party fiasco. I was still trying to figure out how he felt, I remember the conversation in that car clearly and when he said "fine." Was the fine as whatever or was it something else. "Where do you want to go to dinner tonight?"

"You want to grab some sushi and then hang out here?" I asked. For once, we were hanging out at my apartment. My dog jumped on him as soon as he came in, so I guess that is a good sign. He nodded in response and continued letting me play with his hair.

"You know, I have really been thinking," Regie whispers.

"Mhm?" I hum.

"What do you want? Like in this?" Regie raises his eyebrows.

"Uhh.. I like what we have but I am not going to lie, I thought you were going to ask me to be your girlfriend on that night of the party."

"Oh, I see," He smiles. Mischievous. I did not know what that actually meant but since he did not say no or anything that I guess it is a good sign.

"Did you want to order it around six?" I asked.

"Nice job avoiding." He giggles picking up his phone checking the time.

"Well, I mean I am not down to talk about feelings and all that shit right now." I confessed.

"What if I want to talk about my feelings?" He gets up from laying in my lap.

"Go ahead Reg, speak your truth." I was scared that he was going to straight up decline me. Just say I am a quick fuck, nothing more.

"I know it has only been a couple weeks, but I feel like we have something, you know? More than just fucking, it goes deeper." I saw his cheeks blush up and it made me smile. It was cute to see his face blush up and be so soft.

"I feel the same way," I lean in kissing his lips quickly before he grabs me by my waist. He places me in his lap. "Oh?"

"Just a peck baby?" He says before going in kissing me passionately. He slips his tongue in my mouth before picking me up and heading into the bedroom.


Regie coming over maybe once or twice a week started becoming my highlights of my week. It had been about a month since we first met, and though it has not been made official, it still felt like it. I was painting my toenails in the bathroom and I heard my phone go off. I was hoping it was Regie, since tomorrow was his day off. When I saw his name on the screen and smiled to myself before picking up.

"Hello Reginald." I open.

"Hello Madam Jessica, I wanted to ask you a question."


"How would you feel if we went on a cute little picnic date at the beach?"

"I feel like that is an amazing idea!" I exclaimed. Maybe it is the time he finally would ask.

"Great, I'll pack everything up for us and we can go around one o clock tomorrow." I could feel his grin through the phone.

"Sounds like a good plan, did you want me to bring anything?" I asked, still painting my toenails.

"Nope, just yourself.. Actually a bag to put the food in."

"Of course, what are you making me?"

"Not telling! It is a surprise!" He exclaims.

"Okay, fine." I felt special that he would make me food for this cute little date. The fact he was putting in a lot of effort into it made me overthink whether he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"I have to go since we are filming but I'll talk to you later. Have a goodnight baby." he spoke softly, probably because he was scared of manager Ty and the boys hearing. I think the boys would tease him forever if they heard him being a simp.

"Have fun, goodnight!" I say before hanging up the phone.

I wake up bright and early Sunday morning and start my day by doing everything normally. Taking my dog out, eating breakfast, texting my friends, you know the usual thing. I was excited to come see Reg, it became the thing I always looked forward to. It was not the sex that drew me in, it is how he made me feel. Those little moments with him made me fall deeper and deeper into my infatuation with him.


Regie got into my car and smiled. We didn't say anything, just looking at each other and smiling.

"Come here, I want your kisses." He says caressing my cheek before I lean over the car's console, giving him a super passionate kiss. I love kissing Regie. It always gave me butterflies fluttering around my body. "You make me so happy." Regie smiles and I nod.

"You make me happy too." I give him one last kiss before we head to the beach. I would think he would be on his phone while I am driving, but every single time he just talks about his life - undistracted. He always gave me his undivided attention and it felt like for those hours we spent together, I was the center of his universe. Once we get to the beach, we unpack the car and head through the sand. He places the large picnic blanket down and digs the corners of the blanket into the sand. "This is so cute, like to die for." I sit down next to him on the blanket.

"We got here at the right time." I view the ocean and how the sun is setting on the horizon. He puts his buff arm around my waist and turns towards me. "I like the view."

"You are my best view, baby." Regie kisses my cheek, "let's eat." He pulls out some fruit, chocolate covered pretzels, and some pancit he made earlier in the day. He hands me a tupperware container of the pancit, "this is some typical filipino food it is called pancit palabok. I had to call my sister to get the recipe."

"I am excited to try it then." I pop open the tupperware container and he just stares me down in anticipation, he looks almost nervous. I take a bite of food and hum. "Reg this is so delicious, like you have to make me this all the time."

"I am glad you like it, Darren had to help me and he kept asking me questions." He blushed. I could see that Regie was elated, his smile went from ear to ear.

"What did your bestie ask?" I fed Regie his food, curious about what his friend and him were talking about earlier.

"Oh, uhh he was asking me when I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend." He expressed, looking at the food, not me. Aww he is nervous. How adorable.

"So what did you tell him?" I asked, grabbing his chin, making him look at me.

"I said today." He flirted, grabbing me and scooting me closer to him. "So?" Regie raised his eyebrow.

"Of course, Regie." I bit my lip before he once again pulled me into his lap.

"Baby, as much as I want to appreciate this moment, I kind of want to go to your apartment and have dessert." He leans down a bit to kiss me, rubbing his hands on my thighs.


"Yeah, I want you to sit on my face... Like right now." Regie admits.


Teehee smut is going to be in the next chapter ;)  

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