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Jessie's POV

Regie and I did not speak for about one day. At least I intended to stay away, but he texted me first. We both knew that we were like magnets drawn to each other, there was no way we were staying away from each other very long. Regie and I needed a plan - and needed a plan quickly.

"I do not know Regie, dating in secret might work but I feel like we would feel like we are long distance in the same city." I spoke into the phone.

"Yeah, but what other option do I really have?" Regie sighed.

"I think talking to your manager would be a good start. Explain to him that we will keep it a secret, not post, hell we won't even follow each other."

"I mean that is a better idea than almost never seeing each other."

"You really think the rest of the north star boys are not dating? I mean if not now, they will eventually."

"Good point baby, I have to go by the way, I am being called to film. Bye!"

"Have fun, bye Reg!" I then hung up the phone to go along with my nightly activities. Most nights, I usually have plans with club appearances or going out with friends. Tonight was one of those nights where I am just stuck at home hanging out with my dog. All I have is time.


Regie's POV

So I kind of lied to Jessie about filming. I was trying to recruit her friend Elise to go out with my manager again. Maybe if I got Tyler to start dating Elise, or anyone really, his mind will open to the members and I to start dating. I had to lie to Jessie about this because I do not want her to view this as I was using Elise.

"Hey Ty," I say walking into his office. Seb and Oliver were also sitting next to Ty, staring into the computer screen.

"What's up Reg?" He asked not even looking over to me.

"I was wondering how things are going with Elise."

"Not much, I unintentionally ghosted her because I got so busy... I see what you're doing." He pauses, "I know you really like her but you just gotta let it go, you're young, you'll probably split anyway."

"That is a little negative, Ty." Seb says still typing on his laptop.

"Well Ty, maybe you should talk to Elise since you're getting old." I laugh before walking out of the room, not even letting him get the chance to respond.


Jessie's POV

I sat down at my desk planning ahead for the week, then my mind started racing. Ever since I got my period, I have always made a small asterisk on the days I had it on my calendar. It can not be a month and a half since I got my last period. There is no way. I must have forgotten to write it down. I tried thinking if I've had any spotting or just light bleeding that maybe I did not write down - but I was unsure. I go to the bathroom and grab a test under the sink. I then grab a disposable paper cup and sit on the toilet, letting my anxiety sink in that I might be destroying both mine and Regie's careers before they even take off. 



do y'all like the shorter chappies? sorry for the slow update I was dealing with finals :(

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