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Regie and I went over to the ticket booth and bought wristbands for the rides. It was really expensive, but Regie paid so I am not complaining.

"Which ride do you want to go on first?" He asked.

"Hmm, maybe that!" I pointed at the UFO looking ride, "have you been on one of these?"

"Yeah, isn't it like when it spins and the gravity pushes you into the wall?" He explained.

"Yeah! It's fun, but I have not been on one in a minute." I grab a hold of Regies hand and we get to the back of the line. We waited a while and talked about how we both have not been to a fair in a long time.

"Hey Reg!" A girl called out. She was wearing short shorts and a cropped band shirt.

"Hey Denise!" He smiled from ear to ear. He looked too excited.

"Omg I did not think I would run into you today! How is it going with NSB and all that?" Denise yapped. Listen I have no reason to act like this, I have guy friends, he can have girl friends, but something about Denise made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Calm down, I am sure she is just a friend he met through Tik Tok or an old friend from high school... Yeah sure, did this bitch really not even acknowledge you? And Regie did not do anything either? Am I invisible?

"It is all going great! We are going to the Philippines in like a month for about two or three weeks. I am so excited to go home! I have not been since I moved here." He beamed. I have never heard him talk about this said trip. "We have a ton planned, so it will be busy but I am happy. What about you?" I like how he did not talk about his girlfriend.

"So cool! I miss the Philippines too! I have only been a couple times to see extended family. The mall was the best part though. Hey, are you in line for the gravitron? My friends left me so I was wondering if I could tag along with you?" She smiled sweetly up at him. Oh this bitch. Please say no Regie. I beg you, please say no.

"Yeah, sure! Line is moving a little slow though." He answered. Was that him trying to say no?

"Yay! Thanks Reg!" Denise stood next to me and almost bumped into me. You have to be kidding. I poke Regie's back and he did not even look back. He took me here too! How am I going to leave? I grab my phone from my bag and order an Uber.

I tap his shoulder again and he looks down at me, "Hey Regie, I am leaving. I will talk to you later."

"Baby why? I had a surprise for you!" He frowned.

"Oh, was it the trip? Or was it about your friend?"


"I do not feel good, just let me leave. I want to be by myself." I interrupted him and walked off to the gate where my Uber was already parked.


Y'all I am so sorry for the long overdue update. I was in summer classes (bc I am trying to get these credit hours in!) and only had a two week break. 

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