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"I...I...thought I just need to cook here and leave." I whispered while fiddling with my top, the hunk of a man in front of me sighed, pinched the bridge of his straight nose and then looked at me with piercing black eyes, "Read this." Just two words and I was ready to cower down in fear.

"I read that and-"

"Prachi read!" His voice was calm, with shaky fingers I took the contract and read it.

"I am sorry Mr. Kohli but I can't work like this." He narrowed his eyes at me and I took a step back.

"You already signed it, there's no way you can escape from it, not until a year." With that he walked out.

A shaky breath escaped my mouth and I hold back the sob that threatened to be out. I shouldn't have sign this fucking contract!

Was I so indulged with the amount? Damn! I need to find an escape.

The room's perfect but I can't stay here, I have a life.

A fucked up one to be honest!

I ignored my subconscious and quickly looked out of the large window, it is not that hard for me, I can jump from here.

And broken bones are much better than being a prisoner.

Not thinking twice I leapt out of the window and came thumping on the ground, my ankles twisted as I hold back a scream.

Soon, I saw a man in front of me, his eyes widened and he quickly caught me in his grip.

"Vivek, chiama subito il capo!"

[Vivek, call boss right now! ]

I struggled in his iron like grip, "Ow! My ankle, you sick fuck!" I yelled when he hoisted me up.

"Boss sarà qui." That Vivek guy said to the one who was literally squishing me like I was some soft toy.

[ Boss will be here ]

I saw Mr. Kohli approaching us, his face was in a hard scowl as he glared at the man who was holding me, making his hold on me loose.

"Everyone dismiss!" He ordered, I flinched at his voice.

One thing's for sure, I am in a deep shit!

"Do you know who I am, Amore?" I nodded and looked at the grass.

"Come with me." He sighed, took my wrist in his hold and started walking.

"Ow!" I whimpered, he turned around and looked at me with a confused look.

"What is the matter?" I bit on my lip, "M-My ankles, they are twisted from my fall." He gritted his teeth and in a moment took me in his arms.

I squealed as his warm hands touch the back of my thigh, he was carrying me bridal style.

And as sadistic as it may sound, his arms were the most comforting thing I've ever came across.

His rich cologne was surrounding and clouding my senses and the way his eyes were looking at me was ma-

What am I even thinking? Gosh! Get a grip, girl!

"Sit here while I ask for someone to help you with that ankle." I nodded.

"Why do you want to run?" He asked once the doctor was out after making sure to treat my ankle.

"I can't live like this. I want to go back at my apartment. I want to live my life the way I want it. I don't want to be bound by a contract and I sure as hell don't want to have any sort of relation with you, Mr. Kohli." I said and turned my face towards the other side.

"Don't be hard on yourself, I can assure you that what you are living right now is million times much better than what you were living before. And call me Ranbir, because that is what my name is."

Ranbir Kohli? The name sounds extremely familiar.

"Bu-but I don't want to be here, I am sorry but I can't."

"Okay, so pay me fifty lakhs and you are free to go. It is either you pay me the amount or you stay here and cook for me."

Fifty lakhs?

"Fifty lakhs for what?" I asked while standing up, my ankles were now fine but a little ache was still there, the doctor said that it was not a serious fall.

"For the contract." He simply answered.

"How will I pay fucking fifty lakhs? Do I look like a rich person to you?"

"That's your concern, cook me food for a year and I'll leave you, you have my word."

"Word? Like seriously? You are filthy rich, you can have the best chefs of the world yet you are here God knows why talking to me who doesn't even have a proper certificate of cooking!" I yelled.

"I don't want anyone else, but you."

"Ranbir, please. Please let me go." He sucked in a sharp breath.

"You Don't want to cook for me?" Ranbir asked while walking to where I was standing.

"No, I don't. I don't want to cook for you." I whispered sincerely.

"Well.. then be my woman. Warm my bed and you shall b-" His statement hang incomplete as a loud and tight slap echoed the room, that I delivered to him.

My eyes widen at what I did and I quickly covered my mouth as hiccups fell from me.

Sooner than I've thought I was pinned on the bed, "You Don't get to fucking hit me!" He yelled and.... is it normal for black color to get more darker than usual?

I whimpered and his face soften, "Cazzo!" He gritted and stood up.

"Chiudila qui, a meno che non dica di aprire le porte e le finestre."

[Lock her here unless and until I tell to open the doors and windows.]

Ranbir said to the guard who was standing out my door, by his way of talking it was as if he's commanding him.

Is he sending me back?

My hopes crushed the moment the guard came and started locking my windows.

"You'll be here and you are no more my cook, you are my woman and I can do anything I want with you." I widened my eyes.

"Ranbir please don't do this to me, I swear I won't complain of being your cook. I'll do my work, but please." I cried he came forward and caught my chin in a firm grip.

"You should have decided that when you tried to run away. So now it's better if you cooperate or else I will have no other choice than to force myself on you." I closed my eyes at his warnings and tears leaked my cheeks.

"Portare il suo cibo." He said to the guy and went out.

I fell on my knees and cried at how truly unlucky my fate is.

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