2. Surprise Reunion

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"Big Brother?" Angelo braced himself for the shock on his brother's face to fade into anger, but it never did. In fact, he smiled!

"I'm so happy to see you!" Leon welcomed him with open arms.

"You are...?" Angelo didn't budge.

His brother looked at him with the same friendly eyes he always did. "Of course I am."

Barely realizing it, Angelo took a step forward. A few more and he found himself sobbing in his brother's arms. Fear, joy, and confusion blended into each other, filling his swollen heart. He didn't know what he wanted to say, not that he could say it, crying so hard.

What he did know was that despite the circumstances, it overjoyed him to see his brother, his best friend, and source of comfort again. Leon couldn't always take his pain away, but he made it more bearable just by being there. These past two months without him made Angelo feel so lost. He meant so much to him. Maybe too much.

"Shhh, it's okay. I missed you too." Leon patted him on the back. "When Mamá told me she was sending a care package, I never thought she meant you! And you told me you were at Gramps's house!"

...Ah. So that's why he didn't notice. Angelo did remember their parents mentioning something about a care package before he left. This was sure to blow up in his face later. For now, he wanted to enjoy a little comfort after a rough few days.

"Emil, did you know this whole time?"

"Heheh, it was a hard secret to keep." Right, Emil existed. So did the others. Angelo realized he'd been crying in front of his coworkers. So much for a good first impression. "But it was all worth it for this! I still can't believe this was all decided in a game of pin the tail on the donkey."

Leon laughed. "I guess you're the donkey then, huh Ángie?"

He sure felt like one.

"I'll let you guys finish having your moment before I get my brother from upstairs."

Angelo pried himself off of Leon and dried his face like the functional adult he pretended to be. He laid eyes on a red-eyed redhead who preferred staring at the blank wall beside her than the emotional reunion. She sniffled too, but not from crying.

"This is Mia!" Leon introduced, startling the freckled girl. "She's from Lunaria, can you believe it? Also we're jet armor buddies! I'm sure I told you about her before, she's super smart and stuff." Angelo remembered hearing about her, the girl Leon so desperately tried to befriend. The one who clearly avoided him on purpose, though he never seemed to realize. That just left him more time to text Angelo.

"Hello, um, it's nice to meet you." A mask muffled her words. She sniffled again. "Sorry, I'm getting over some allergies."

"He's probably happy to finally meet you too!" Leon spoke for him.

Angelo nodded despite not really feeling one way or the other about her. He turned toward the other side of the room, figuring she probably wanted to be left alone.

"You wanna meet the others, hm?" His brother caught on. "Okay! Well, you've met Emil already. The coolest guy on the ship, as you could probably tell."

"He's exaggerating." Emil hid half of his face and laughed. "Sometimes I'm convinced that Rookie's trying to kill me with compliments." He abruptly faced the ceiling. "And if you're listening, that was a joke, I do not think Léonardo Summers is putting me in any danger."

"It's true you're the coolest guy, though!" Leon doubled down, unphased by whatever the heck that was. "Well, there is the captain too, but I find it hard to think of anyone else who could match you."

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