Chapter 1 - Opening Move

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 April. The school entrance ceremony.

My gaze passed over the people in the bus. Most of them were high schoolers, wearing the same uniform I was, while others were commuting to work and looked quite stressed. An old woman boarded at the next stop. She seemed to have problems with her legs as she was wobbling around while clutching her cane. Our eyes met for a moment and the elderly individual smiled at me. The friendly expression didn't seem to hold any special meaning and was just meant as a kind gesture, but I didn't reciprocate it and instead closed my eyes in response.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer your seat?"

My short rest was disturbed by one of the commuting passengers who uttered those words. At first I thought that the woman meant me, but she was addressing the blonde high schooler that was sitting on one of the priority seats.

"Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble standing? Isn't it only natural to give up your seat?"

The attention of the entire bus was now on said group. While the elderly woman tried to mediate with the office lady, the blonde man combed his hair and admired himself in his hand mirror. As the younger office worker kept bugging him, the man's voice rang through the otherwise peaceful bus.

"Natural? I don't think so. There is no reason for me to give up my seat for someone else. Since I am currently occupying this place, it is naturally my decision to move or not. The woman boarded the bus knowing full well that it is almost filled to the brim. Since she entered this fine vehicle in that situation, she should be fine with standing. No?"

The office lady seemed quite perplexed upon hearing that man's reasoning, but I had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what he said. There were multiple such busses driving in the same direction in short intervals. Even I was aware of this. If she wanted a seat, she could have just waited for the next bus to arrive, which was most likely not as stuffed as this one.

"Wh- what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?"

"Superiors?" The man broke away from his reflection to glance at the office lady and the woman before moving his attention back to his mirror. "I consent that you are with no doubt superior to me in age, but that is where your superiority over me ends."

The lady flushed red in anger. As if overheating, she burst out, "Wha — You're just a high schooler! You should be quiet and listen to what adults tell you!"

"... P-please, it's fine. I'm okay with standing."

The elderly passenger interjected, trying to mend the heated mood.

I found this situation to be quite ironic, as it seemed like the woman was fine. She was unsteady and depending on her cane, but she didn't look like she wanted to bother anyone so she could have a seat. Just like the man had claimed, she boarded the bus even though it was full and there were alternatives available.

As the office worker kept trying to persuade the blonde man, he slid his earphones in and stored away his mirror, apparently done with this exchange. The lady turned around to apologize to the woman when a fourth party suddenly joined in.

"Uhm... I think the lady is right."


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