Chapter 12 - Queen (Part 4)

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After dinner, I was relaxing on the bed while browsing through some of my group chats.

Despite my worries on the first few days I had in this new life, I was part of quite a few, which was a welcome surprise. At first I had concerns about my ability to make friends or join any groups I could hang out with, but they turned out to be for naught.

The very first group I had joined was the Class D boys' one, with Sudou, Ike and the others. It wasn't an all boys chat anymore since Satou had joined a few days ago, but that wasn't the important part here.

Then there was the group with Chiaki, Karuizawa, Hirata and so on, which I've been a part of since its creation. Even though a normal person wouldn't be proud of such a fact, I couldn't help but be happy.

Last but not least was Class B's group.

Almost their entire class was part of this chat, including me. I felt somewhat out of place, being the only student outside of Class B, but Ichinose, Amikura, Shibata and the others all assured me that it was totally fine for me to join them.

I assumed they had a second group just for class matters, while this one was for pretty much everything else.

It felt weird, but I wouldn't complain about making more friends. Another positive fact was that these people were far too trusting, which made it easier to gather information. I figured that they would get more careful as time went on, but there was no reason to spoil the good relationship I had with them.

The door to my room opened and closed in a matter of seconds, as if some rabid animal sprinted inside.

I had left it unlocked since I was waiting for my visitor, who had just arrived. The beige-haired girl that opened the entrance to hell was panting and gasping for air before locking the door with the chain.


She struck the wall in frustration before leaning her head against the door. Kushida's breath was uneven and labored, as her clenched fists slid down the facade.

"Poor wall. She did nothing to anger you, you know?"

I tapped the power button on my phone and sat up to face the new arrival.

"I can't beat anyone else, so the wall has to do."

Was that how bullies justified their actions?

I didn't follow this train of thought any further, as I appreciated that Kushida seemed to be a tad more relaxed around me. Of course, she might still wear her mask, but at least she was getting better at hiding her true fears.

My queen made her way over and sat on a chair in front of me with a discouraged face. She seemed to be in a rather bad mood, so much in fact, that she hadn't realized that her behavior wasn't as careful and obedient as it should have been.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shot me a furious glare, which I didn't mind.

It was time that she saw my other side. The kind and gentle one she hadn't seen before, since she had suffered enough the last few days. Kushida was aware of her place in the hierarchy and accepted it. Now I needed to show her that there was no need to be afraid any longer.

As long as she did what she was told, at least.

"Are you my fucking shrink now? Okay, sure. Why not? How about we start with the guy who threatened to rape me just the other day? Oh, wait... He almost did."

"Wow, that's awful. Who would do something like that to you?"

She clicked her tongue and was about to retaliate before realization struck.

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