Chapter 27 - Grandmaster

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After the commotion about the points died down, we were allowed to board the ship and stashed the luggage we had taken with us back in our rooms. My fellow occupants had already gone off to do their own thing, which led me to enjoy some alone time with no one bothering me.

Hirata was out, roaming the ship with Karuizawa and a few other girls, while Kouenji mentioned that he would be working on his tan. Yukimura left the room after he grabbed some study materials, but I didn't know where he went afterwards.

During our stay on the island, my phone had been bombarded with so many messages that I could only marvel at her consistency in writing me at least ten times every day. Most of the texts were random, telling me what she had done during and after school hours and what else had happened.

Others were a little more interesting.

[12:20:26 PM] Were you bored or something?

[12:20:49 PM][Fuka ♥] Finally! What kind of torturous exam was this that you had to leave your favorite senpai alone for an entire week? If I find out that you weren't busy and ignored me, then we are going to have a serious chat once you are back at school. You are aware of that, right?

[12:21:23 PM] We had to leave our phone on the ship, but I left you a present, didn't I?

[12:21:52 PM][Fuka ♥] It was almost as good as the necklace you got me on my birthday. He didn't stop cursing and brooding the whole day. I died laughing. Even Manabu seemed amused, which means a lot. He's even worse than his sister, with his stern and serious expression all the time.

[12:22:12 PM] Manabu, huh?

[12:22:32 PM][Fuka ♥] Heeeh? You jealous? There's no need, darling.

[12:22:51 PM] Not at all.

[12:23:21 PM][Fuka ♥] That reminds me, Nagumo is still here. His reputation has suffered even further setbacks after your attack, as more students began to doubt him and his abilities after his near expulsion and then dropping back to Class B. He had lost them 400 points and was so distracted during the ongoing exam that my class achieved a win. We are not that far apart in points, but his demotion should have hurt him and his influence a lot.

[12:23:29 PM][Fuka ♥] What happened on your end?

[12:23:49 PM] Unofficially, we are Class C now, but the school said that the rankings will only be updated once we are back at school. So for the moment, we're still Class D defects or something like that.

[12:24:19 PM][Fuka ♥] I guess congratulations are in order then.

[12:24:27 PM] It wasn't much trouble, but I got to go now.

[12:24:35 PM][Fuka ♥] Wait! Hey! Don't leave me!

The phone kept vibrating a few times as I switched to a different chat.

[12:21:27 PM][Chiaki] You said that you want to visit the doctor to look at your leg, right? Could you ask them for an emergency contraceptive pill? If they ask, just tell them that we were caught up in the heat of the moment and that we should have been more responsible before such an important decision.

[12:24:49 PM] Sure, I'll take care of it.

I threw my locked phone onto the bed and stood up.

The tracksuit was still covered in sweat from the waiting period on the irradiated beach, but since we were back on the cruiser now, we were allowed to wear whatever we chose. I ambled over into the bathroom and took off my clothes before taking a cold, refreshing shower.

Icy water ran along my frame as I scrubbed it clean from any sweat and dirt that had amassed over the past few days. My heart began to beat faster to balance the sudden decrease in body temperature, as the invigorating liquid pelted along my person.

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