Chapter 15 - Focal Point

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On the next morning, my classmates busily exchanged information with each other.

The different groups that had formed met up with the other ones and went over who they had already talked to and which students were still missing. Some of them even made notes and compared them with everything else they knew so far.

I glanced towards Sakura, who sat in her chair and behaved inconspicuous, as always.

Apparently, Chiaki hadn't talked to our witness just yet, since she acted as if nothing was out of place

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Apparently, Chiaki hadn't talked to our witness just yet, since she acted as if nothing was out of place. If she had been questioned about her involvement, she wouldn't have been this calm and might even have stayed home today.

Maybe she wanted to give her some space before she brought down the hammer?

On the other side of this ongoing incident stood the combination of Chiaki, Kushida and Hirata, who could also be referred to as 'light triad'. They persuaded most of their classmates to help Sudou, and a large majority of them stopped badmouthing him. Instead of complaining, they chose to help him to the best of their abilities.

I, for one, couldn't believe how naïve they were, but what did I know?

Even though the three of them tried their utmost, other students in our class still concentrated on all the points they were missing out on, especially when they compared our current situation to Class A. There were still enough people who didn't believe Sudou, like Yukimura, for example, but he did his best to protect their points by swallowing his pride.

"... I'll defend our points, even if it's the last thing I'll do. I'm going to save them, everyone!"

That was the end of Ike's grand speech.

I was overjoyed that I had only realized that he was talking after his monologue was almost over, or my brain might have received even more severe damages than it already had. It rather concerned me that I found Chabashira-sensei's cold attitude stimulating yesterday, but there wasn't much I could do.

Those guys were really rubbing off on me the wrong way.

"I understand how you feel, Ike-kun. But the most important aspect is to treasure our friends as much as possible. Our class ranking and points are only secondary."

"What Hirata-kun says is reasonable, but I still want my points. The students in Class A get over 100.000 points this month. Do you guys even know how many clothes and accessories we girls could buy with that amount? It sucks, seriously."

Karuizawa rested her legs on her desk, while her boyfriend tried to appease the masses. The whole class was bummed out after listening to her opinion, since she had indiscriminately mentioned the stark contrast between us and Class A.

"Why couldn't I have been in Class A from the start?"

"Yeah, I wish I started out in A, too."

"It would have been really nice starting in A or B, right..?"

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