Shall we bet on my flight ? I

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I could never put into words what you meant to me. It was indescribable and absolutely impossible to describe. I couldn't stand you, but you intrigued me so much. You, with your deep azure eyes gazing at the starry sky as I did, as I loved it, as I dreamed of it.

I never thought I would go so far, never imagined I would be so close to you. I never wanted to be in the clouds so much and I never thought you would come with me.

You are a sunflower... like me.


I would like to fly away...

I lay on the soft grassy ground and gazed dreamily at the dark night sky above my head. The sober allure of the darkness fascinated me, as much by admiration as by fear of the unknown. The stars so far away dotted here and there the evening Eden tinged with a pure and obscure indigo tending to a lighter shade at the end of the horizon. The light clouds that came to add to the picture created these imperfections yet so beautiful. They offered these small details to the decor that I appreciated so much.

The myriad shades of the sky above my head were reflected on the wide expanse of water. A lake lay at the foot of the mountainous landscape. Slight waves added a gentle splash, disturbing the perfect, shimmering reflection of the water. The place bordered an urban area. The sounds of the city reached my ears with difficulty and seemed perfectly secondary. An airy breeze gently played with my blonde locks. I contemplated this unparalleled landscape with the sensation of touching ataraxia with my fingertips.

I liked to lose my gaze in the vast ether, this feeling of being able to get closer to it while knowing that it is impossible. I could have stayed until the early hours of the morning, absorbed in the cosmos that was before me, if I had not been forced to leave the place.

- Keigo!

I blinked stupidly to make out the figure of the person who had spoken my name. The voice above me was familiar, it belonged to my childhood friend. I had known her for more than seventeen years and had never lost her despite everything that had happened in my life.

I felt a slight pain on my shoulder. I grumbled inwardly as I felt it hit me.

- Get up, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

I didn't want to be hit by her again as I had already experienced it during one of his tantrums. I stood up quickly and ran my hands over my clothes to dust them off. Before I had time to make any other movement she grabbed my arm unceremoniously and started walking. Reluctantly, I followed her, still holding on to one of my sleeves. I wished I could have stayed longer by the lake. The lights of the road we were heading towards dazzled me. I stumbled awkwardly on the uneven ground and almost fell. I heard her sigh, which made me smile. I sensed that she was holding back from making a comment about my behaviour and age. She was the same as me and it was true that she usually acted more mature than me.

- Hey Himiko!

She turned her head in my direction before raising her eyebrows questioningly.

- I bet..." I began with a sly smile.

The corner of her lips turned up a little as she heard the beginning of my sentence that I had deliberately left hanging. She was waiting for the next part, it's in these moments that despite our seventeen years we were both four years old, at most. It was a game that had been going on for a long time between us. We used to bet on insignificant things most of the time and it amused us. She almost matched me physically and exceeded me in speed, so the tests imposed were generally fair. In no way did we hesitate to throw ourselves at each other, there was never any awkwardness between us which made it all the more entertaining and fun.

Shall we bet on my flight? 𝙳𝚊𝚋𝚒 𝚡 𝙷𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚜Where stories live. Discover now