Shall we bet on my flight ? II.

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Too bright...

I felt a soft warmth tickling my bare skin. The morning had arrived, waking me up at the same time. The rays of the rising sun filtered through the window and flooded into the room, illuminating it in its entirety. The light was blinding and I had no desire to open my eyes. I lay there motionless in the same position on the mattress that seemed so comfortable at the time. The sheets covered my bare legs and my head rested on one arm. I could feel something moving gently over my head. I was enjoying it, it felt good. I slowly opened my eyes. I squinted as the light seemed to be so strong.

- Did you sleep well? a deep voice suddenly asked.

I blinked and saw a face with a small smile on it staring at me. He seemed calmer. His face looked more radiant than usual, and that pleased me. He usually had an impenetrable face and remained stoic in all situations. His dark hair was a mess and covered part of his forehead. I thought he was absolutely beautiful at the time. Waking up calmly and seeing his face as soon as I woke up was strangely pleasing. I felt good. I couldn't miss the little worry lines on his forehead though, he must have really realised what had happened.

The evening before and the night before came back to my mind. I thought back to the time I had spent with Touya. My cheeks turned red at these thoughts. I ran my hands over my face, hiding my eyes. I was happy, but particularly embarrassed to be in such a situation with someone who had lived with me for several years. It was true that our relationship was strange, but it made me blush all the same. I had really enjoyed what had happened between us, it had been something incredibly intense. Probably the fact that I enjoyed it made it even more difficult. The sensations I'd experienced had been much stronger and more exciting than any other time with Tenko, I had to admit to myself.

I looked at him again, pulling my hands away from my face slightly to clear my eyes.

- Yes... I answered in a voice that was still sleepy but sounded confident despite the embarrassment.

I heard him chuckle. His fingers continued to play absentmindedly with my hair. He said nothing more, obviously satisfied with my answer. His question was not very clear, I realised afterwards. He could have been talking about my rough sleep without any implication. But I sensed that he was referring to the time when we were supposed to be asleep but were not - too busy with better and more important things.

He noticed my discomfort, or so I thought. He said nothing. He continued to look at me silently as if he was enjoying one last time, as if this was just a dream and nothing more. It was definitely a dream in my eyes. It was too good to be true, I was in the midst of an illusion and I wanted nothing more than to remain in that grip. I was dreading the moment when we would have to wake up for good and go back to our daily, repetitive lives. I just didn't want to open my eyes to reality, to stay by his side, I knew that once we got out of that flat everything would get more complicated, I was well aware that Touya had thought about it too. I didn't know what would happen. If we hadn't spent that night together in bed, everything would have seemed absolutely normal without any problems. But that was not the case. Far be it from me to regret it, on the contrary, but we had to face the truth: the situation we had put ourselves in was not easy.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes to try to wake up. I had slept well, I realised. My sleep had been short but uninterrupted for the first time in a long time and I took the trouble to rejoice a little inwardly at the quality of my night. I realised that he had cleaned me up while I was still asleep. I was clean, still naked but clean. I pulled my legs together under the duvet in a childish gesture of wanting to hide myself. He laughed gently as he saw me do this and then gently withdrew his arm that was still under my head and stood up and cleared his lower body of the sheets that covered it. He sat down on the edge of the bed. He bent over and grabbed a piece of clothing lying on the floor. He quickly pulled on his boxers. I leaned on my elbows and straightened up as well, taking care to gather the sheets around me. He turned to me and looked at me with his azure eyes.

Shall we bet on my flight? 𝙳𝚊𝚋𝚒 𝚡 𝙷𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚜Where stories live. Discover now