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(Melbourne, 10 months earlier before Make You MINE)

11:20pm, New Year's Eve

Rosé's P.O.V

It was a time of new beginnings. The end of the night was drawing to a close as I basked in a sea of unforgettable memories.

New Year's Eve was always my favourite night of the year. There was something so refreshing about the concept. A time to restart, to begin a new and filled with a sense of optimism long since lost.

Alone, I leaned against the cold, metal railing of the veranda in my family home. I watched the stars in fascination shining so clearly in the midnight sky as they shimmered in the water of the river below.

There was an excitement that filled the air but within me I sensed nothing but great anguish and worry at the prospect of the future

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There was an excitement that filled the air but within me I sensed nothing but great anguish and worry at the prospect of the future. The big move my family and I were preparing to undertake.

The sounds from inside the house were distant but constant as my extended family had visited and were staying for the celebrations. It was a perfect time for us to all be together before we went back to the hectic day-to-day lives we lead. Music and laughter lingered in the air behind me as I took a heavy breath losing myself once again in thought with a silent tear.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" A voice asked startling me as I spun around.

My cousin, Lisa carefully closed the sliding door whilst simultaneously holding two bottles of chilled beer in her hands as she walked towards me. She was my favourite person in the whole world, someone I admired and trusted more than anyone else.

I smiled warmly at her and discreetly attempted to dry my tears but to little avail. "Just enjoying the view."

"Are you okay?" She asked, handing me a drink while we watched the beauty of the city illuminating in a sea of colours around us.

I shrugged, playing it down as usual when inside my stomach was doing somersaults anxiously awaiting the unknown. My family and friends had always said that I was the most cheerful of people, always seeing the bright side but last few days that had been so difficult.

Nevertheless, I didn't want Lisa to worry. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

She paused, giving a knowing look. That was the thing about my cousin, I never had to tell her how I explicitly felt because I knew deep down, she always knew the answer.

"Well... you're moving to Seoul. Starting at that fancy college, getting a new house, making new friends. It's okay to feel a little nervous, Rosé. It's okay to feel upset."

Placing her hand on my shoulder, I felt instantly at ease. My cousin always had this comforting aura, a genuine kindness and warmth so few people possessed and many took for granted.

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