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Monday 6am (2 weeks later)

Rosé's P.O.V.

There are so many things I think of when I see a sunrise. How it illuminates the night sky, how what once seemed uncertain in shadows suddenly becomes clear. The emergence of light brightening the sky to welcome a new morning of opportunity. A sunrise makes me think of hope, it streams through my window acting like a beautiful canvas as it paints a new day.

Perhaps that's why this morning I awoke slightly earlier than usual so I could see the sunrise as I started a new day. A new chapter in my life.

"Rosé! Breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom calling from the kitchen as I closed the balcony door and took one last glance in the mirror.

"Okay... have confidence Rosé." I muttered to myself, grabbing my bag and leaving my room walking through the apartment to the kitchen.

"There's the college student. We made you an extra special breakfast so you're ready to take on the world!" My mom said cheerfully as my father was busy plating the pancakes.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" He said as I took a bite of the freshly made pancakes. The syrup sweet and sticky like a taste sensation.

"Kind of nervous... I'm a second year year transfer student, everyone's already probably made friends." I mumbled. I'd been worried about not meeting anyone on my first day of college for the past few weeks.

"I'm sure you'll make lots of friends. You always have." My mom replied reassuringly as she poured me some apple juice.

"Yeah but I'm starting this academic year a semester later than everyone else too. They'll already be ahead in all the classes." I stated, pushing my course books into my bag that lay on the side of the counter.

"Rosé, you got accepted at that university because of your talent in music. You deserve to be there just as much as everyone else." My mom said as she smiled warmly.

"I know. I'm just worried."

Sensing my trepidation, my father sat down beside me. "Hey... your mother and I are so proud of you. Just try your best, that's all that matters."

I smiled at his sincere words. "Thanks dad."

After finishing breakfast, my parents drove to the academy and dropped me off at the college gates, waving goodbye as I stood somewhat apprehensively ready to begin my first day.

After finishing breakfast, my parents drove to the academy and dropped me off at the college gates, waving goodbye as I stood somewhat apprehensively ready to begin my first day

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In awe, I stared at the campus grounds, so beautifully maintained with flowers and freshly cut grass. The building itself was a grand sight to behold, towering over 3 floors and divided into various departments.

I walked around the grounds for a short while trying to make sense of the layout. I didn't really know where ai was going but guessed there must be an admin office for new students. As I walked toward the entrance hall, I suddenly heard a voice calling behind me.

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