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A/N: Hi. Wanna Make Out is based on skins and yes Eduardo is a tutor.


Alex wasn't listening. His ears were busy listening to some random song playing on his spotify.

"Alex.",his mate George shouted. "Please come tonight. It will be fun"

"Do I have to?",he asked.

"Yes.",George replied.

"Ugh. Fine I guess I go.",Alex replied.

"Cool. See ya there.",he shouted,running down the hallway.

Then,in came tutor time.

The whole class seemed to arrive at once,with the tutor coming in 5 minutes later. Alex looked around to see who was there. A nerd wearing a green hoodie speaking to a blue zip coat boy wearing sunglasses and another boy looking at himself in the mirror. A young boy wearing a red hoodie,playing with what seemed to be a lone bullet. Square head boy looking at the ceiling. Ginger kid writing in a journal sitting next to a bearded man speaking in spanish. Near the bearded boy,there was another ginger reading a book in japanese. Next to him,there was a kid on his phone,looking at some music. There was a thud. Two kids were fighting. A pink haired boy and a purple haired girl screaming at each other and punching each other over some random comment.

"You fucking insult Nikki again and I'll slaughter you.",the purpled haired girl screamed at the top of her voice.

"She's just some stupid whore.Get over yourself.",the pink hair yelled.

"Guys. Stop. Why can't you two just get along?",the pink-haired girl shouted.

"LEWIS! MINX!",the tutor shouted. "QUIT IT NOW!". The two stopped and sat down in their respective seats.

"Thank you.",he continued. "Right. My name is Eduardo and I hate my job. Tell me your name. Your course and one fact about yourself."

"You. Boy with green coat."

"Hey I'm Edd. I'm doing a Media and Art A-Level and I do comics.",the nerd replied.

"Sad. Next to Edd then."

"Hey.I'm Tom and I do an animation course and I like a girl I just met.",the discord mod replied,looking at some random girl with short hair and brown eyes.

Alex learned a lot about these new people:

-Matt. Does an drama course and is vain

-Tord. Does an animation course and loves guns

-Will. Repeating the year. Does an sport media course and is never sober

-Stephen. Also repeating the year. Does a media course and always swears.

-James. Trilingual. Won't bloody shut up about it. Does 3x A-Levels

-Fraser. Weeb. Does an art course.Probably fatherless is what Alex thought.

-Lewis. Angry twat. Does a sport media course.

Then there was Minx and Nikki,childhood best friends doing a music course. Wilbur,an indie kid doing a music course. Sapnap,who is doing a bricklaying course with Dream because they like bricks. Karl,the lonely boy doing a hair and beauty course.

The bell rings and everyone pisses off to wherever they need to be. This meant that Alex and George had to be in the library doing nothing.

Edd walked in with Matt and Tom.

"Hey. Alex and George right."Edd asked.

"Sup."Matt shouted. The librarian shouted ssshhhh.

"Yup. We're Alex and George."George replied.

"An Art and Computer Science group lmao",Matt replied.

The bell rang again and they all walked out of the library.

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