Chapter 5: Sherry's Mom Is A Bigger Bitch

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You awoke to a women shining a flashlight in your eyes. "Well you're not infected" she said and moved away. You slowly sat up and winced, your body was full of pain. You held your head as the lady went over to your mom. "Wake up! Wake up! Open your eyes... Hold still... Not infected..." the lady said as she checked over your mom. You looked over and your mom looked around trying to find you. She settled a little when her eyes landed on you. You stood and went over and helped her up. She hugged you and took a deep breath. She then went over to the lady and asked "where's Sherry!?". "Sherry... Sherry's fine" the lady said, distracted by something else. "Do you know Sherry?" you asked and walked closer. "...was an impressive display of strength" the lady said, talking to herself out loud. "What happened to her?" your mom asked. "We have to assess the situation" the woman said, ignoring the question. "Who are you? ...I'm Claire, this is my son y/n" your mom said, introducing the two of you. "I didn't foresee this" the lady said, writing something in her notebook. "Excuse me, where is she? ...Hello?" your mom tried asking again. "What...? Oh, Annette. Tell me, what happened to William?" Annette asked. "I don't know. Who's--who's that?" your mom asked back. "The creature responsible for this" Annette said. "What...? Can you help me find Sherry?" your mom asked again. You were starting to think this lady was quite rude. "Seems to be evolving much faster than expected..." Annette said off in her own world again. "Where are you going?" your mom asked as she started to walk off. "Look, I don't have time to play twenty questions. Everything is under control" Annette said. You gave her a dirty look. "I need to find Sherry--" your mom started but got cut off. "My daughter is not your concern" Annette said and then left. "If that's Sherry's mom, I feel bad for her" you say and look at your mom. Your mom looked back at you and then sighed, "come on, let's go try to find her". You followed her through some doors and she helped you down a hole in the floor. You were in pain but you kept going. "Sherry!? Can you hear me!?" your mom called out but got no response. You dropped down into sewer water and you gagged. "Well this is just great" you say. You walk until you get to a platform and up some stairs, you notice a cable car sitting on the platform below you. You follow your mom up a ladder and into a room with a couple zombies in it, which your mom takes care of. You jump down into a room where you hear Annette talking. "Sherry... I told you, I cannot leave here until my work is done" Annette said. "That's what you always say" you hear Sherry say. "Sherry...?" your mom questions and you walk towards a glass window. You see Sherry in a big gross room and she's looking up talking to Annette through a intercom. "Why didn't you stay in the house? It was safe there" Annette asks. Your mom puts her hand to the glass trying to get her attention. "I was scared. Those things were everywhere and--" Sherry tries to explain. "You should've called the police! That's what we taught you" Annette said. "I did, but nobody came. And you didn't answer your phone so--" Sherry continued to explain. "Sherry, I don't have time for this!" Annette said and didn't say anything else so you assumed she left. Sherry then got weak and fell to the ground. "We need to go get her" your mom said. You just nod your head, knowing it's the right thing to do. Your mom sees a chair and pulls it out. She grabs your arm and pushes you to sit in the chair. "I want you to stay here, I don't know what I need to do to get her back but I don't want your wounds or cuts getting infected from the sewer water. You're safer waiting for me here" your mom says and puts a hand on your shoulder. You sigh and hold out your pinky, "promise you'll come back?". Your mom wraps her pinky around yours and says "promise". She kisses your forehead and hugs you close, "I love you kiddo". "I love you too" you say. She gives you one last squeeze and then walks out through a door. While your mom is gone you stretch a little bit and try to let your body rest. You rub your eyes trying to stay awake. About 20 minutes later of swaying back and forth trying to keep yourself awake your mom finally makes it back to you. "I definitely made the right decision by not letting you go, you do not want to know what I saw" she laughs a little and comes over to you. "Did you find a way to get to Sherry?" you ask. "Yeah it's a puzzle, follow me" your mom answers. She takes six different chess pieces and puts them into a specific order. All of the lights turn green and the door to the left unlocks. You follow your mom through the door and you see the door where Sherry is. You try to open it but it doesn't work, "we need power" your mom said. You go into the only other room and it has a box with switches on it. Your mom plays around with it a bit until she gets it to the right place and the lights above the door turn green. As you go to leave the room a claw comes down through the ceiling making you stumble back. A fire then starts in that corner of the room. You get low to the ground as the claw busts through different parts of the ceiling. You then hear the monster on the other side of the wall and he starts slamming into it. Your mom pulls you behind her and when he gets through the wall she pulls you just past the big monster. "He really does not want to die" you say as you're running. You make it to a platform with a crain that holds a container on it. Your mom quickly figures out what needs to be done. "Y/n, stay over there, do not stand in the way of that container!" your mom yells and you do as your told. She hits the red button and the container swings back on the other side of the room. Just then the monster jumps down onto the platform and goes to swing at your mom, she dodges and rolls past him and then stuns him. "Y/n! Hit the button!" she yells and you quickly do that. She runs back over to you and the container comes and hits the monster but he manages to stay on the platform. "I guess we'll have to do it again" your mom says and hits the button again. The monster gets closer than expected while your mom is hitting the button and you rush at it to distract it. He pushes you off of him with force and you just barely are able to grab the ledge of the platform before falling to your death. "y/n!" your mom yells and tries to rush over to help you up but is intercepted by the monster. "Just hit him with the crate! I can hold on till then!" you scream out. Your mom loads fire rounds into him and then stuns him and hits the button, she throws another grenade at him to keep him there. The container comes swinging back and he tries to stay up but the container breaks off and takes him falling with it. Your mom comes running over as your fingers start to slip, you let go but she grabs you and pulls you up into her arms and hugs you tight. "I've got you, I've got you" she says and puts her hand on the back of your neck. You pull back and there are tears welling up in her eyes. "Thanks" you say. She shakes her head and hugs you again. "Never do that again, unless you want me to die of a heart attack" she says and laughs a little. You both stand up and take a deep breath. "Let's go get Sherry" you say and your mom shakes her head in agreement. There's a sketchy looking pathway that takes you to a door that leads back to where Sherry is. You go over and pull the lever that opens the door. As it's lifting you can hear Annette's voice, "Sherry? Mommy's here... Sherry! Sherry, can you hear me!?". You see Sherry and the state she's in. "Oh no..." your mom says. You both walk over to her. "Sherry?" your mom asks. "Sherry... Are you alright?" your mom asks her. Your mom supports her head and she starts coughing and struggling to breathe. "What are you doing!?" Annette asks over the intercom. "I'm here to help" your mom says looking back at the camera. "Sherry's been implanted... She can't be saved" Annette says coldly. "Are you fucking kidding me!? You're her mother. Get in here!" your mom says angrily. "You don't understand. William is still out there, and if I don't stop him--" Annette says with a conflicted voice. "This conversation is over!" your mom yells and starts to pick Sherry up. "Wait! Wait...I...I can treat my lab. It's not far away" Annette says before you can leave. "Mommy...?" you hear Sherry say. "There's not enough time... Millions of lives are at stake. Sherry... Mommy loves you, sweetie... Goodbye" Annette says and then turns the camera off, leaving. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" your mom asks. "Sherry, don't worry. I will get you everything you need, OK?" your mom says trying to comfort the girl. You just stand there awkwardly. You feel for her but it's weird to see your mom holding another kid like that. You zone out a bit but you hear Sherry and your mom talking. Your mom starts to walk back toward the main area you came from so you follow her. "We need to get to that cable car, it'll bring us to Annette's lab" your mom says looking at you over her should. You nod your head for her to see but keep quiet. You make it to the cable car but see 'Access Denied' on the screen. But it opens when Sherry is close to it, you notice a bracelet on her wrist which must be why it opened. Your mom sets Sherry on a bench for her to lay down and you go to the front of the cable car. "Just hold on, Sherry, OK? You're gonna be just fine" you hear your mom say. You look back at her and she looks to you, you pull the lever to start the cable car. You take a seat on one of the steps and put your head in your hands. What a hell of a night this has been.

To be continued...

Claire Redfield x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now