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"Where were you last night?" Mira asked, handing April a glass of orange juice. She had waited up last night for her best friend after dinner, but after hours of attempting her homework while waiting, she had given up and retired for the night. April took the cup gratefully.

"I had detention," April said simply. She put the ice cold glass against her forehead in attempt to wake herself up. Outside, the sun was just beginning to rise, the dark sky just starting to show the faintest signs of color. The two girls couldn't help but wonder why the school had them wake up so early; they were at the school 24/7, so couldn't classes just be pushed back an hour or two? 

"I figured as much. Anyways, you had the boys freaking out," Mira said, smiling across the table at April.

"What do you mean?" April smiled. Whatever those two had been thinking would surely make her day.

"They thought you finally had enough of us. They had this whole story about how you ditched us for Carter and his gang and how a few years from now we would be getting invitations to your wedding." Mira laughed as she put her long blonde hair into a high ponytail, leaving behind a few strands on either side to frame her face. Her bangs were cut straight across, lying just beneath her eyebrows and, had April not known her, she would have been convinced that Mira was a morning person. In reality, Mira wasn't, she was just a pro when it came to makeup.

"And who do those pain-in-the-butts think I'm marrying this time?"

"Who else? Carter." Mira burst out laughing at the appalled look on April's face.

"Carter? Are you kidding me? I'd marry a swarm of angry bees before I even think about that poor excuse of a being!" April spat, her insides quivering in disgust at the very thought of that boy.

"I know. They only said that because they hate him too." Mira said matter-of-factly.

"Where are they, anyways?" April asked, noticing for the first time that morning that her two best friends were not present. Her question was answered by a pair of hands being placed over her eyes. She smiled. "Hey guys," she said, shifting around on the bench to face the two guys that she could not imagine her life without. Sean and Daniel Collins stood in front of her in all their identical glory. They both wore the same worn out jeans and red collared t-shirts, the only difference between the two being the way they styled their short hair; Sean spiking the front of his and Daniel just leaving it however.

"Good to know you miss us so much," Daniel pouted, crossing his arms and lowering his head.

"Yeah, we could have been kidnapped and halfway to China before you noticed we were missing," Sean piped in, copying Daniel's pose.

"You know I love you two," April said, turning back to her food, a little more awake. "Even if you are big babies," she muttered, loud enough for the boys to hear. Behind her, the two looked at each other and nodded. Quietly, they moved to either side of the bench and tipped it back, slow enough so that she had enough time to react and not get hurt, but enough so that she fell on her butt in front of the whole school. The boys burst out laughing at April's stunned expression as she sat on the linoleum flooring.

"You should have-"

"Seen your face!" The two laughed, clutching at their sides. At surrounding tables, the students were laughing at the fact that someone fell off of the bench, not knowing that the twins were responsible for it. April got up, after the initial shock wore off, and playfully shoved Daniel, not allowing her embarrassment to show through.

"You two are such jerks!" She said, moving to sit on the other side of the table with Mira.

"Why, thank you!" they said in unison causing April and Mira to crack up. For the two and a half years that the four had known each other, the twins had been saying things at the same time, but with the years, it only seemed to get funnier.

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