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  • Dedicated to Emma


The lake stretched out before April as she lay on her stomach beneath the crabapple tree. Her history book lay open before her as well as her notebook. Other than the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore, the only other sounds were the flipping of pages and the soft scratching of pencil on paper.

After every few lines of notes that she took, April would look up, everything fading away as she stared at the lake. If it weren't for the loads of homework that she had to do, she would be in it, letting all her worries and questions flow right out of her. She didn't even care if she was fully clothed or had hours of homework still laid out ahead of her... five minutes, that's all she needed.

April shook her head. No, she had too much to do. Fun was something that was earned and until tomorrow's three tests were over with, along with the weekend homework, she couldn't afford to have fun.

She sighed as she turned her attention back to her notes. In the distance, the church's bell tolled twice, signaling ten minutes until the start of dinner. April chose to ignore it figuring her history notes were of more importance than a meal, especially since detention would be taking up any study time she had after dinner. As she concentrated on taking notes on the second Industrial Revolution of France, the rest of the student body of Collegiate Preparatory Academy of the Rockies excitedly made their way to Harrison Hall where dinner would soon be served. The weekend was right around the corner and along with it, the ability for upperclassmen to leave campus, something made much more exciting with the seasonal reopening of the outdoor amusement park.

A cool breeze flowed through the trees surrounding the lake. April looked up, letting its soft fingers caress her gentle features. She closed her textbook and notebook and rolled onto her back, staring up, through squinting eyes, at the still-bright sky. She snapped her eyes shut as the soft breeze picked up into a gust of wind, flipping her wavy hair around her face. She laughed at the playful feeling, enjoying the moment. The moment, however, was cut short by the sound of footsteps closing in. April sat up straight.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," spoke a deep voice. April look up into a pair of deep brown eyes, shrugging. "I brought some food," he continued. He took one long stride and stopped, right above her, holding out a hand. She took it and he pulled her up.

"How did you know I needed something to eat?" April asked the tall stranger. He shrugged.

"You weren't where you normally sit, so I figured you were down by the lake."

"But who-"

"Am I?" April blushed, nodding. "Ian... Henderson." Realization rushed over her face followed quickly by embarrassment at not noticing it sooner. They both had the same deep brown eyes.


"Mira's older brother, yes," he chuckled, walking over to a rock near the water, big enough for two. He sat down on the smooth surface, scooting over to make room for April. She shot him a questioning look which soon turned into a teasing one.

"You need to stop doing that," she said, putting a hand on her small hip.

"Doing what?" Ian asked, laughing at her attempt to look angry.

"Finishing my sentences." She sat down next to him, but made no eye contact. She stared out across the rippling surface of the lake. How was she supposed to act? He was her best friend's brother, but she had noticed him before now, and she did find him... No. He's Mira's brother.

"Oh, that." He handed her a sandwich. April took it gratefully, not realizing how hungry she had really been. "It's just hard to resist."

"Thanks," she said, taking another bite. "How so?"

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