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Alyssa's pov

Two weeks later

Things had finally slowly gotten better. Joe just now started talking to me again. Yeah, he hadn't spoken to me in two weeks. I still think he was being ridiculous, nonetheless, I'm just glad it's behind me. I'm sure he doesn't trust me, but I'm willing to take what I can get, to an extent.

I was at my house packing for a vacation just to get some time to myself and hopefully have some peace.

Finn? I haven't spoken to him since all that happened, I not only had nothing to say to him but I didn't want to make matters worse.

As I zipped my last bag I heard my doorbell ring. I walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and into the entry way to open the door. It was Joe.

I moved my hair out of my face and sighed, "you could have called"

"I've texted, you haven't responded" he said as he walked into the house.

"Sure come on in" I rolled my eyes and closed the door

He just stood there looking at me, "I miss you" 

He pulled me in for a hug, yeah I missed him too. But he hadn't really spoken to me , let alone come around. I didn't know how I was supposed to react.

I broke the hug and looked at him, "you have had two weeks to come around or text and you just decided to do that today? You decided to do it when it was convenient for you? You didn't take my feelings into consideration, think about how I felt through all of this?"

"I know and I'm sorry. I fucked up, I should have" he tried to pull me close to him but I refused

"This is how it's gonna be now?" He scoffed a little and shook his head in disbelief

I took a minute to gain composure before releasing all my pent up anger on him. "If there's anything you need to comprehend more than anything right now, is the fact that you treated me like shit for no reason. We were not together when I was talking to Finn and when we had that quote in quote moment. So I will say once again get the fuck over it and move on"

He stared at me blankly.

"I understand that your whole world for some reason has revolved around me since you've seen me and you've been obsessed with me since then, but you need to stop. It's disgusting and weird. I love you Joe, I do. You are a really great guy, but if you keep this up I'm done. If you can't forgive me for something that I did when we weren't together after I fucking forgave you for STALKING me, then you're obviously not who I thought you were"

"Lyss, I-" I cut him off

"I'm not finished"

"This is what we're going to do, because this clearly needs to happen. We need to take a break because you need to figure out you and what you think is best for you. I am going to do me and focus on me for a while because I don't wanna do this right now" 

Joe's pov

I stood there speechless as I heard the words coming out of her mouth. I felt my heart shatter all over again, but I also understood where she was coming from.

"Where is all of this comin from?" I tried to hide my sadness

She walked over to the stairs and sat on them, she placed her head in her lap and sighed then looked up. I watched her expression change as she looked up at me. "God Joe, don't do this please"

I walked over and sat beside her. "Please, can we just talk" I placed a hand on her knee

We both started tearing up. " I know I went about approaching you the wrong way, if I could do it all over again I would. I should have got divorced first, I should've just talked to you instead of stalking you. But baby You have made me see everything so different, you have changed me"

She sniffled, "have I? Because it doesn't seem like it. Your tribal chief persona is consuming you. Leave work at work, don't involve it in tone personal life"

A tear slowly rolled down my face, "are you gonna leave me?"

She wiped her eyes, "no, it's just a break. That's it. I know that's what Finn and I said ,then we got together but you have to truly make effort if you want to be with someone and we didn't make the effort. I really want this to work out, but it all depends on you"

I nodded, "as much as it sickens me to hear that, I understand why you said it. I will make the effort I promise. I'll prove it to you baby. I know I need
To do better I hate myself so much."

We looked at each other and gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds, she wiped the tears from my eyes, and I from hers. Our hands stayed on each other's cheeks, she leaned in for a kiss and of course I wasn't going to deny her a kiss. I would kiss this woman forever.

Her lips slowly touched mine, they intertwined and suddenly the pain dulled just a little. Although she was no longer going to be a constant in my life for a while, I knew she was still going to be there.

As the kiss broke we once again locked eyes, she gave me small smile.

"I guess I better get going" I got up from the fairs and walked towards the door.

Alyssa got up and followed me, "I love you. I'm always here for you no matter what"

She gave me a hug, I squeezed her tight and pecked a kiss on her head. "I know, I love you too"

I walked out of the door and got in my car. I sat in the drivers seat staring at her front door missing her already. I just had to keep reminding myself, it isn't a breakup. It's just a little break...

But I hope it flys by quick..

Did y'all see that coming??

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