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Sitting up, I let out a long yawn as I practically smashed my alarm clock which was blaring in my ear. It was 5:00 A.M., giving me plenty of time to make myself look the fairest in the land. Usually, I go on morning jogs with Jack, but I have to prepare for a lab this morning to help the first years. After taking a shower, I wrapped my golden hair in a towel and began to prep my face for makeup. Of course, I've created perfect mixtures for all of my makeup and skin care products to fulfill my facial needs. After I finished a perfectly smooth base on my face, I unwrapped my hair and used a hair product I formulated to give it soft waves without damaging my luscious locks. Combing through it, I styled my hair into a braided half-up, and finished it off by adding a pin. It was in the shape of a heart with a dagger going through the center of it. After that, I got back to finishing my makeup.

About an hour and a half passed, and I was now helping Epel with his hair. Being a first year, he wasn't exactly accustomed to how we do things in Pomefiore. After combing and softening it with a scented hair cream I created specifically for him, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare a healthy, well-balanced breakfast for Rook, Epel, and myself. I wasn't personally close enough to anyone else in the dorm to make breakfast for.

This morning, I served avocado toast with a wide selection of fruit. I could let the other two make breakfast every once in a while, but I don't trust that it would be healthy. Epel just wouldn't care, and Rook would try so hard to make it look delicious without making it taste good or be nutritious. Even so, I don't mind preparing meals; there is nothing I hate more than staying cooped up and doing absolutely nothing.

Once we were done eating, we began to make our way to our classes. Stepping into Mr. Crewel's room, I received my instructions.

"Ah~ Vil! Lovely to see you this morning."

"Good day, Mr. Crewel," I said with a smile. I've always appreciated his love for fashion. Even if we don't share the same tastes, it's refreshing to see that I'm not the only one who puts a great amount of effort into how I look. The only way I'd have a problem with him is if he were to surpass my beauty, which there is absolutely no chance of.

"I've set up a lab station outside behind the school. I'd like for you to demonstrate how to brew poisonous and healing potions. But not to worry, I've printed an extra copy of notes for you for the lesson I will give today," he said as he handed me a few papers stapled together.

"Thank you, sir. Well, if that is all, I will be off then," I said as I bid him farewell. Walking out of the classroom, I made my way behind the school to find everything already set up for the first years I would be instructing today.

'My my...I suppose I could've gone for a jog this morning since I don't have to set anything up,' I thought to myself with a sigh. Deciding on a way to pass the time, I pulled out my phone.

"Mira Mira, please enlighten me. Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?" I said with narrowed eyes.

"The first web result that I obtained using the keywords "beautiful" is—Vil Schoenheit," it replied.

Grinning to myself, I put my phone away at the sound of footsteps.

"Roi du Poison! I have been instructed by Mr. Crewel to help supervise," Rook said to me while putting on a lab coat and goggles, me doing the same.

"Very well," was all I said in reply. Although I appreciate how often Rook is to help, he can be quite bothersome at times. Looking over, I noticed that the first years were beginning to arrive.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I will be teaching you all how to make potions of poison and healing. Please select a work station and put on your goggles and lab coats," I said to the first years that just arrived.

Mon Amour (Vil Schoenheit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now