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After a much-needed nap, I sat up in my bed, feeling an overwhelming sense of lethargy. I knew I was awake, but I felt unaware of my surroundings, and my movements felt extremely heavy and slow.

Slowly turning my neck to view my alarm clock, my eyes widened when it said it was almost six o'clock in the evening! Rubbing my eyes, I looked once again, just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. However, the time still appeared the same. After sluggishly standing up, I stumbled over to my window, only to see that the sun, in fact, was beginning to set. Going to my mirror, I examined my face. My skin was deathly pale, and dark red circles appeared all around my eyes. I began to feel pain once again in my stomach area, but I forced myself to deeply breathe through it. After touching up my makeup so I wouldn't appear so sickly, I composed myself and left my room.

Once I was downstairs, I spotted Vil and Rook in the lounge room. They both looked so calm as they read books while sipping tea. When they noticed me, they both immediately stared up at me.

"Ah! Reine de Glace! Roi du Poison informed me you had a nosebleed! Are you alright?" Rook asked with heed. Honestly, I am normally prone to nosebleeds, so having one wasn't as much of a big deal to me as Rook made it out to be. Still, I appreciated his concern.

"Don't worry! I'm fine now. Thank you for asking!" I cheerfully said back. As I conversed with him, I used everything within me to hide the physical agony within me.

"If I may ask, what have you been doing this whole time? You've been cooped up in your room for nearly seven hours," Vil stated with suspicion.

"Oh, yes...I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long. I was studying for alchemy class for a while and I eventually fell asleep at my desk," I replied. Although the physical agony of loosing my magic is painful, it hurts even more to continually lie like this. It honestly frightened me how well I'm able to come up with excuses.

"I see. You know, I have an alchemy lab set up in the basement if you ever want to check it out. Just let me know before you go," Vil said as he read his book.

"Wow! Thank you very much, Vil! I'll have to check it out sometime. If you'll please excuse me, I'm going to make dinner. Would you two like anything while I'm in the kitchen?" I asked the two. When I did, they both looked up at me. Rook seemed especially excited at the offer.

"Aaahh~ how kind of you, chère! Please, just bring me whatever you'd like!" Rook exclaimed with a wide smile.

"I suppose I'm ready for dinner too. As long as it isn't extremely unhealthy, I'll take whatever. Thank you, darling," Vil said. Although he replied with a stone face, I could see the corners of his mouth slightly curling upwards, as if he was trying to hide his smile.

"Ok then! I'll be back soon," I said before going to the kitchen.

Once I stepped in, I took my gloves off and set them aside. I looked at them for a moment with a blank expression.

'I guess I don't really need them anymore,' I thought to myself with sadness. It upset me that I lost a piece of myself that connected me with my father, as well as my ancestors. However, I knew I was doing this so that Vil wouldn't suffer, which was enough for me. After washing my hands, I began to get busy.

About twenty minutes had passed before I heard someone else in the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Y/N! What are you making?" I heard Epel sweetly ask while walking up to me. Upon hearing him, I braced myself to endure my pain so that he wouldn't notice.

"Hey Epel! I'm preparing a steak dinner. We'll have plenty left...would you like some?" I asked while preparing the side dishes. Along with the steak, I would be serving asparagus and cauliflower potato salad.

Mon Amour (Vil Schoenheit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now