A long fight

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So sorry that I haven't up dated my family's been sick and I've been busy with life but nerveless May the story go on, have a nice Sunday


'I've been nervous before but I'm usually a really confident girl, that's just how I am but today however I've never been more nervous I was going to face the master of darkness, how the hell was i supposed to do that? I mean I know how but still and on top of that Lloyd is going to be watching he'll know I'm an elemental master of elements and creation. I mean what the fuck, this is going to be very very very difficult to explain' in that moment the bell rang suggesting to go outside for the fight. The lights were not on me yet' thank god' i looked around to see everyone in their seats and ready to see the show I was beginning to calm down until I saw Lloyd, oh great this is not helping my nerves, i thought right before Chen started talking, and I knew the fight was going to start. The others shad already fought. Speed won against gravity, mind won against nature, and fire' meaning Kai' won against smoke and now it was my turn.

Chen:" fellow contestants, I know you are very eager for the fight to comens and I see you are all wondering who the master of elements is, heheheheh, well that will be revealed in a moment." The gong ran and a light shined on my opponent and knowing that everyone was eager to know who the elemental master of elements is made things worse for me.

Chen:" oscuridad, master of darkness against...." in that moment the light shined on me and I saw everyone's jaws drop to the floor they also gasped, they knew how powerful we are and did not want to get on my bad side"Y/n, master of elements" he said with a very mischievous grin. I looked at Lloyd who stood there still in shock. I mouthed sorry and he just gave me a warm smile as in saying that it was al right. Then Chen, no surprise there, started talking again.

Chen:" FIGHT!!" I was surprised by his words that I didn't notice the master of darkness making her move on me. She threw a big ball of blackness at me, I'm guessing that was dark magic, I tried to maneuver my way past her not wanting to hurt her knowing what this tournament is really about but she made that very hard I drew my weapon( choose whichever you want) I was swinging it at her taking her by surprise. We came face to face when i saw ...... regret in her eyes I immediately felt sorry for her I didn't want her out I wanted Chen out, but then again 'only one can remain' *sigh* and I do not want the next person out to be me, that was when I saw the virtues on my weapon. Strong, caring and..... fair, my mother left me this weapon with the virtues she is the one where I have my skill from. She told me that these virtues are the most important in the world and as long as I stood to those I would always make her proud. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone punched me square in the face. The hit took me by surprise and I fell back seeing an evil grin on oscurridads face, she didn't regret that, she will.... oh, she will.  I threw my weapon at her attacking over and over again like an obsessed person swaying it at her. My chi was fully activated as I gracefully yet strongly attacked her she was out of balance and fell back dropping her weapon this was the perfect opportunity to take her out, but I didn't, I hesitated looking down at her I couldn't do this this wasn't fair. I breathed heavily and swung my weapon looking like I was going to stab her but didn't I pierced it in the ground and whispered to her to get the blade.

Y/n:" go, take the blade.... before I do" I said while looking down at her she scrambled to her feet and ran over to the blade I was still facing the direction of where she was before i heard a blade and turned around getting ready to be defeated but the minute I turned around she threw the blade towards me and my reflexes caught it and looked up at her with shock she just nodded sincerely and fell threw a trap door I rushed to catch her but was to late I yelled" NO" while she fell. I looked at my blade and made my way to the exit where the ninja were standing in shock and sorrowful eyes, as I made my way over to them Garmedon spoke up saying.

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