5- I Have New Powers

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Where is my Power Sphere!?" Adudu demandedly asked, pointing at Boboiboy while the group was still in shock on what they're seeing in front of them.

"Woah! That's the Alien guy from TV!" Ying exclaimed, pointing at Adudu as Gopal—thinking it was a costume, headed towards the green alien also carrying a notepad with him.

'To be honest, i was expecting it to be big and scary more likely intimidating...But what is Gopal doing!?' Y/n just deadpanned at her expectation including Gopal's oblivious behaviour.

"Sir? Can i get you autograph please?" Gopal ask shyly, acting like some kind of high school girl talking to they're beloved senpai. This made Adudu more mad and pulled out a laser gun, shooting the notepad. Gopal just stared at the half remaining of the notepad in shock.

"Wow, that looks real.." What Gopal said made Adudu become furious, the alien growled irritatedly and pointed his lazer gun at Y/n, who was still frozen in shock also failing to notice the green alien was about to shoot at her direction.

The lavender haired girl quickly snapped out of her thoughts after hearing lazer firing which caused her to gasp, that's when she noticed the lazers were heading towards her way in a fast pace. Y/n knew she didn't have any time to dodge all the lazers so she just closed her eyes and prepared herself for the incoming pain.

The girl felt the ground shaked again like earlier, this made her slowly opened her eyes and saw Boboiboy was kneeling in front of her, his back was facing her and a rock wall was in front of them, protecting her and Boboiboy from the lazers. Y/n felt her breath hitched and looked at the dino cap boy astonished.

'So... He wasn't kidding....' Y/n looked at Boboiboy in awe while the brunette on the other hand had a serious look on his face, he was also glaring at Adudu once the rock wall fall apart.

"Ohh..... So you have already used the Power Sphere!? Rats! Probe, destroy him!!" Adudu ordered Probe who suddenly emerged from the ground underneath the alien. The purple robot was now back to being the giant version who chased after Boboiboy before.

"Right boss!" Probe exclaimed, the robot's sudden appearance made Yaya and Ying screamed in fear before running away.

While Y/n was thingking on how to help Boboiboy out and not being a burden. She watched Probe launch lots of rockets towards Boboiboy causing her to freak out. "Boboiboy!!"

The brunette just ignored her since he was also freaking out on the inside, shaking his hand vertically, he was trying to summon a lightning blade. "Come on, come on!"

'What is he doing!? There's no time for jazz hands!!' Y/n mentally scolded him, she was getting ready to run towards the dino cap boy so she could push him away. But before she could even move into action.

The lavender haired girl saw yellow lightning spark surrounding Boboiboy's hand, causing her to be more astonished but what shocked her most, is Boboiboy was now holding a real lightning bolt without getting electricuted.

Boboiboy quickly threw the lightning bolt towards the rockets followed by more. When the rockets and lightning bolts came in contact, it caused a big explosion. Making the others back away slightly from the force of the explosion.

The whole area was now covered with smoke with Boboiboy emerging through the smoke, that was now soon fading away. All the other kids watched Boboiboy stopped a few yards away from Adudu.

The brunette was still glaring at the green alien and giant robot with yellow lightning sparks kept flickering around his left hand.

"Sugoi..." Y/n mumbled, looking at Boboiboy in awe and her lips slightly parted from how cool the brunette was.

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