12- Revealing Secrets

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Aish, we shouldn't have split up you know, now look what happened to you, i was so worried" Y/n exclaimed, Boboiboy just blushed in embarrassment, looking away from the girl that was sitting beside him.

"Sorry...." Boboiboy mumbled, the telekinesis user heard what her friend said and sigh. "Hay, it's ok but please don't always work yourself hard. I'm here to help out! Okay?" Y/n gave the elemental manipulator a closed eye smile, in which Boboiboy unconsciously scooted away from her, he was suddenly started to feel shy because of an unknown reason.

"T-Thanks Y/n" Boboiboy mentally scolded himself for stuttering.
"Boboiboy can be stubborn sometimes, you know" Ochobot stated, making the lavender haired girl giggle.

"Hey! I'm not stubborn!"

"Yeah, keep saying to yourself that"

"Hehehe, i see you two are getting along pretty well, you know" Y/n pointed out, watching the Power Sphere and the elemental manipulator bickering at each other. "Of course! I always have to look after him so he wouldn't make a mess"


Ochobot flied towards Y/n, slouching in her arms with an exasperated look. The telekinesis user just giggled, gently patting the Power Sphere's round head "Say Boboiboy, i have a question" Y/n looked at the said boy beside her. "Huh? What is it?"

"Well.... Umm..... Why do you have to wear a cap all the time? To be honest i never seen you take it off thou..." Y/n ask with a bit of hesitation, Ochobot also looked at Boboiboy also wanting to know the same thing.

"Umm..... Uhh .... I-umm..." Boboiboy stammered, he was starting to sweat from anxiety. Y/n was quick enough to notice the elemental user's state, causing her to flinch and waved her hands around in panic way. Trying to calm the anxious Boboiboy beside her.

"Ahh!! Y-you don't h-have to answer! I-If it makes y-you uncomfortable t-then you don't have to tell!! " Ochobot quickly flew away from the girl's grasp, not wanting to get hit.

'Should i tell her?.... But what if she leaves me? Or ignore me? hmm..... But she doesn't look like a type of person to leave someone...' Boboiboy didn't heard Y/n talk, the poor girl was starting to get pale after she didn't receive a word from the elemental manipulator— feeling her soul slip out of her body and up towards heaven.

'Oh no! I think i broke him!!' The telekinesis user was quick enough to snatch her soul back into her body, calling out to Boboiboy again. Hoping it will get his attention this time. "Huh? What?" Boboiboy quickly looked at Y/n after he heard his name being called.

"A.... A-Are you o-okay?... I d-didn't make you uncomfortable r-right?.. It's okay if you don't wanna tell since i understand if it's a sensitive topic" Boboiboy saw a frown on the girl's face and manage to caught a hint of worry that was lingering in her voice.

"N-no! I want to tell you willingly!" Boboiboy insisted, taking a deep breath as he held the bill of his cap and slowly removing it off of his head. Revealing his messy hair along with a white hair strand, he mentally prepared himself, his mind was expecting Y/n will laugh at him but instead—

"Your hiding your white strand hair? But why? I think it looks cool!" Y/n complimented as she scooted closer to Boboiboy so that she could inspect the strand more, this caused the boy to look at her in confusion at the same time in relief. "Y-Your not going to laugh at me?"

It was Y/n's turn to look at him in confusion, she was caught off guard at the  sudden words Boboiboy spoke out, she wasn't even expecting the elemental manipulator would say that. "What? Why would i laugh? If you think your hair looks weird mine is weirder since i ate 200 mochi's to make my hair purple.... I think... Which i'm still not fully sure about it." Y/n slightly trailed off before looking at Boboiboy in concern.

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