13- Lightning Has Been Kidnapped

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"Mama mama!"

The woman with (H/c) hair color turned towards her daughter, seeing the young toddler was running towards her with a flower on her little delicate hand.

"Hello deary, what do you have there?" The woman asked, crouching down to match her daughter's height with a warm smile on her face.

"Here! I made you a flower! A blue winter rose!" Young Y/n beamed, standing on her toes to place the flower next to her mother's ear. The woman dramatically gasped before placing her hand on her chest. "Your so sweet my lovely Y/n, you know these are mama's favorite right? Also thank you"

"Yes please!"

The woman smiled, carrying her daughter in her arms as she walks out the cottage they were living in. Walking towards a near by pond and standing in front of it. "A Blue Winter Rose is one of my favorite flowers, do you wanna know why?" The woman looked at her daughter with a warm smile on her face. Young Y/n was just looking at her mother with her innocent big eyes that were shimmering in curiosity.


"Cause your father gave this to me when we first met and also blue roses symbolize mystery, we don't know what's ahead of us and you deary" The woman looked at the toddler before gently tickling her neck, causing Y/n to giggle. The woman knows it was her daughter's tickle spot. "Are a mystery but in a good way, you are unique as well. Each flowers has a meaning behind it and blue winter rose happens to be my favorite flower, not only i was blessed with a unique and mysterious daughter, you are also my and your father's bundle of joy."

Little Y/n's eyes shined more, looking at her mother in awe. "I wanna be like you in the future!" The toddler declared, throwing her little hands in the air. The woman just lightly chuckled at her daughter's action, truly she was greatful to have a daughter like Y/n.

"Mama? Is Papa your soulmate?" The toddler asked, looking at her mother in curiousty. In response, her mother has a light blush on her cheeks before lightly laughing. "Yes dear, your father and i are soulmates." The woman responded, watching her daughter lightly tapping her chin with a thinking expression.

"How... Do you know if you met your soulmate mama?" The toddler stared at her mother, full of wonders and curiosity filled her eyes.

"Well there are different ways to know if that person is your soulmate.... I know your father is my soulmate because he risked his life so many times for me and never stops telling me how much he loves me... And in your state, you will find your soulmate in an easy way"


"Hmm.... Well all i can say is, that soulmate of yours is the only one, who will awaken the powers that are hidden deep inside you from what i heard from the rulers." The woman answered, pointing her index finger on her daughter's chest, where her heart is located. "That certain power of yours will unconsciously shows itself and who knows? He might change some things about your powers as well and most importantly, he will help you control your emotions"

"You mean my ꍟႱᏋ𐒄Ꮛ𐒐ན𐒡?" The toddler asked, causing the woman to nod.

"Yes honey, but you need to learn how to be patient because patient is the key to your success"

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