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Heroes and Villains...

There are 2 families.

The Minecrafts as the Heroes...


The Enders as the Villains...

The Minecrafts.

Philza, also known as "The Crow Father". Leader and Father of the family.

Kristin, some people call her "Mumza". Mother of the family.

Technoblade, or "Techno" for short. The eldest son of the family.

Wilbur, no one knows why but his last name is "Soot" quite odd.

Tommy, he's mostly kept hidden so no one knows much about him. Though, some people say he's the most powerful.. that's just a rumor though. He is the youngest of the family.

The Enders.

The family is actually quite tall. Almost all of them go past 6'0. No one knows their real names so people made nicknames.

Randead, people made the nickname because it rhymes with "Randad" and because he's a very scary guy. People say he can kill you by just touching you.

Ranmom, people say she's actually quite nice if you don't get her mad.

Ranboo, the eldest child. People say he has died before but somehow got revived... people are stupid lmao.

Finally, Ran. The youngest of the family. For a 5 year old he is very smart but very childish at the same time.

The day is easy, the Heroes help out the city and the Villains create problems. A lot of stupid people ask why the Heroes won't stop them.

It's simple, the Heroes can't fight them.

It's not because they don't try, it's because they're always busy helping the city.

Okay you now know the main things about the families. Now let's get into the story before I lose motivation and stop writing.

It was a normal day. The adults had gone out to do some Hero stuff and the kids were left to do chores. But of course, none of them actually did it.

Wilbur had cast a spell that could do all the chores in the house so they were free to do whatever they wanted until their parents got back.

Wilbur and Techno hung out with their partners and Tommy hung out with his best friends in the garden.

Tubbo and Purpled. Tommy's best friends. They don't have powers or anything, they're just normal teenage kids.

"When can you go out again?" Tubbo asked as he sat down on the grass next to Purpled.

Tommy thought for a moment. "I think I'm allowed to go out next week... My family is going to the city parade."

"I don't think that's a good idea for you to go..." Purpled chimed in. He had a point. Last time, Randead had tried to kidnap him to get more info about the next event.

"Purpleds' right... Maybe you should stay inside that day." Tommy frowned at the boy's statement.

"I hate being a hero... What's the point if I can't even do hero stuff?!" Tommy was frustrated. The last time actually helped the family was when he bought a kid a new lollipop after the old one got stolen.

Then an idea popped into his head. "Take me to the city."

Tubbo and Purpled were a bit shocked but agreed after a lot of convincing.

They all went into the boys room and started getting ready. After 30 minutes he started to look like a normal teen. They had changed his clothes into non-hero clothes and put a bit of makeup on him.

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