1 - (Not) Friends

42 3 2


Somehow made friends with people I never talked with.

Physically incapable of feeling sad

Has a dead father

Name: My choice


Aurely was a 14-year-old who had just moved half the way across the world due to her mother's job. She was a quiet girl who mostly kept to herself and never really talked to anyone - she didn't feel the need to.

But today, she had promised her mother she would try to talk to people at her new school. And making her mother happy was the only goal she currently had so she would try to talk to people.

For mom, she reminded herself, stepping in the classroom. She saw people there give her a few glances but not stop their chatter. Unbothered by the attention, she sat under a window.

"Hey!" a cheery voice commented from beside her. She turned her head to see a girl take a seat beside her. A classmate, she assumed. "I'm Willow. You're new. What's your name?"

"Aurely," Aurely answered quietly. "Nice... to meet you." She added the last part, remembering the promise to her mother.

"You too!"

Aurley made a mental note that Willow was a really cheery person. During the next few days, the observation was proven to be true more than one time and the cheeriness had started to rub off on Aurley, also making her a bit more talkative.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Willow asked, bumping Aurley's shoulder with hers as they walked to music class. "You look just as gloomy as on the first day of school."

"It's dad's anniversary," Aurley answered with a smile. "And I'm not sad, I'm just thinking."

Willow made an 'oh' face - she knew already that Aurley's father was dead but didn't mean to bring it up. Yet, she still had questions. "You're not sad?"

"No," Aurley shrugged. "It's just... Look, I know I should be but I don't think I'm... physically capable of crying?"

"Aww," Willow said, frowning. "Well, you can always talk to me about it."

"We're not friends," Aurley said. It was true, she just considered Willow as someone she talked to at school - she didn't even have Willow's phone number.

Willow only laughed lightly. "Oh but we are."


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