Son of sobek

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Hey guys this is my first story!!!! Please constructive critism is welcome and suggestions are helpful!

Im just going off of the preview of the son of sobek and this takes place right after the Titan war and the Apophis

I don't own any of these characters, Rick Riordan does.


A glowing fist flew threw the air hurtling towards me. Luckily my reflexes were quick and I created a solid wall of water in front of me. The fist smashed against it, nearly breaking through. When the fist came back for another hit I was prepared. I let the water crash down on top of the fist, forcing it under the water. As soon as the glowing fist hit the water, it grew dim and weaken in brightness. I stirred the water rapidly and the fist dissolved completely. I look to see bendy sword's face staring at me in awe and confusion.

"What the heck just happened?" he asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"I was going to ask the same thing myself," I replied, crossing my arms. "For starters, who are you and where did the giant fist and glowing symbols come from?"

He shifted uncomfortably and looked like he was mentally debating something in his head. Finally he seemed to reach a consensus. "Have you ever heard of any ancient Egyptian mythology?" he asked , staring at me warily.

I shook my head my confusion growing bigger.

"Well the myths are true, and gods and monsters are real."

Now it was his turn to become confused, as I said, "Yea, I know already."

"W-what?" he spluttered.

"I'm half god."



"I'm half god." His voice echoed in my mind. How was this even possible? I have never in my life heard of someone who was part god. Well except the times when Horus and I merged together while fighting, but I wouldn't, say I was half god. Instead of replying, I just stared at him blankly (something I do not do often).

He sighed, "I don't know about Egyptian mythology, but Greek mythology is real."

I let the words sink down. For some reason, I began believing every singe word he had just said, from he was part god, to greek mythology was real. 'Why not?' I thought to myself, 'I believe in Egyptian mythology.' "Fine, let's say Greek mythology does exist. How does that make you part god?"

"Well in ancient Greece, gods were always having affairs with mortals- the product is me- a half blood, or demigod," he said casually as if he were talking about the weather.

"So your a son of a god?" I said with a hint of doubt still in my voice.

"Yep, son of the sea god, Poseidon."

We stood on awkward silence after that. Finally camper boy broke the silence, "I don't think I got your name. Mines Percy Jackson , savior of Mt Olympus, slayer of Kronos."

Man the kid had some extreme hobbies. Savior of Olympus? Slayer of Kronos? That was some serious street cred. But the funny thing is as he said it, he wasn't trying to brag, he was just saying it as if it was any old title.

"Hey Percy, I'm Carter Kane, magician and head of the 21st nome," I said.

"Magician? As in the guys who pull scarves out of their sleeves and do card tricks?" he said skeptically.

I rolled my eyes, "No, as in ancient Egyptian magicians that communicated with the gods and fought monsters with magic."

"Oh," was all he replied.

I looked around trying to think of what to say. Percy looked agitated, "So... I guess we are going to fight this croc as a team?"

I shrugged and then grudgingly held out my hand, "Team."

Percy took my hand,"Team."

Yay guys!!! I finished my first chapter!! Please tell me if this was good and if I should keep writing! Also possible ideas... Should Annabeth and Sadie be involved? Should carter go to camp?

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