The sharing of stories

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We trudged through the marsh, barely able to walk. As we continued on I looked over at Carter. He still looked slightly angry and extremely sweaty. Finally I couldn't stand the silence, " May I ask you a question? Did you create those glowing symbols and giant flying fist?"

"Yea, it's a little trick I learned from my friend Horus," he replied

"That's cool... Wait whose Horus?"

"Oh, I'm he's the god that I follow the path in," looking into my confused face, Carter continued. "The nome that I stay in, train young magicians to follow the path of the gods. This basically means studying your god's power and trying to combine with them when your in need of help. Until recently, this practice has been against the law and was punishable by death."

"Death huh? Yep heard that one before," I said, shaking my head disgustedly.

Carter looked impressed, "Where?"

"I was born because of a broken oath, which is worse than a law. A vow made on the River Styx is a binding and punishment is... Well let's just say there are worse things than death."

"How did you get away with it?" Carter asked incredulously, " I mean isn't it kind of obvious that you were born?"

I laughed, "Well yes, I guess it is hard to hide someone, but my mom was able to until I was twelve. After then, monsters began finding me and the gods, particularly Zeus, tried their best at finding different ways to kill me, which basically means - making my life tartarus ever since."

"Man do the gods really hate you that much?"

Thunder rumbled in the distance, " Hate is such a strong word, but yes it is very hard to find a god I am in good terms with."

"Challenge authority much?" he sarcastically replied.

"Haha, if I remember correctly you did something against the law that was punishable by death?"

"Well at least I wasn't born under a broken oath by my parents!"

We both laughed and joked around for awhile, and I realized, I enjoyed hanging out with Carter, after he tried to kill me of coarse (not that he would be able to). As I thought I of how Carter seem to be avoiding a subject. I told him about mine, but as I have learned from past experiences, this could be a very touchy topic to some people. I decided to take the plunge, "Carter, do you have any parents?"



Percy's question rang in my ears. The fate of my parents were painful and confusing events, that I sometimes still can't understand. "My parents," I said carefully, "Have passed away. My mom died when I was young, who I believed died in car accident. Only recently, I have discovered the true reason she died was to unleash a goddess, named Bast, who is a very good friend of mine, but used all her energy in the process."

Percy just looked at me and didn't say anything. This, for some reason comforted me. Well at least it didn't make me feel awkward like all the fake "well meaning sympathies". Percy seemed to know exactly how death felt and the only way to respond to it was understanding. Understanding things happen in life, but all you can do is carry on and deal with the future.

Suddenly Percy, interrupted my thoughts with a sudden outburst, "What about your father?"

"My father's fate is interesting and extremely confusing," I began. "After my mom died, my sister, Sadie, and I were separated. My grandparents on my mother's side gained custody of Sadie while I stayed with my father. We travelled around the world, since he was a famous archeologist. A few years ago in December, my dad and I were in London, on one of the two days a year we were allowed to visit , my sister. He wanted to visit the British Museum, because of a priceless artifact was located there. Turns out he was trying to use this, to release a god. It back fired on him and Sadie and I believed it took his life. Later on we discovered, our father was not dead, but had combined with the god. To sum it up short, my father is now the ruler of the Duat, the place for dead souls."

Percy just whistled, "Man that's one messed up life! Now let's if I can top it.." Percy had an evil grin on his face, "I was only twelve when I -"

Percy abruptly stopped and cursed in which I assume was Greek. Quickly, we ran past the bend and witness a horrific event. A pure black Pegasus was wrestling with the giant croc I was recently vomited up by. The Pegasus was putting up a valiant effort, but it was clear that the crocodile overpower it. With one quick swipe, the Pegasus was down and looked as if it were struggling to get up.

I looked over at Percy to see him staring in horror. Suddenly he raced towards the Pegasus and screamed, "Blackjack! No!"

Finally some action! Sorry if you guys were bored with the introducing and talking. I have decided that for now

This will only be a story between Carter and Percy ... Let the bromance begin!

Once again I do not own any of these characters, the author Rick Riordan does.

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