We pick up a friend

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Ok guys I know I had decided that this story was going to be only between Carter and Percy, but @yaymelia convinced me to involve the others. So I know it's been a little while since I updated but I've been really busy in school and I have a serious procrastination problem. So any I do not own any of the characters or places Rick Riordian does.


I wobbled on the back on Blackjack, helplessly trying to regain my balance. Percy was sitting infront of me, but I would rather fall then have to grab him and create one of the most awkward scenes in my life. 

"Soo," I said as I tottered some more, " I's assuming this is the camp that is displayed on your t-shirt?"

Percy looked down at his shirt, "Yea. It's the only unsured place of safety for demigods. (A/N this is before the Heroes of Olympus) I've been coming here since I was twelve."

"Wow it must be noce to have a safe haven. We have a Nome, which is pretty much a mansion that we use to train other magicians, and we have cast protective spells, but they're guarenteed..." I said thinking of the when I just learned who I was and two serpopads attacked.

"Well... Camp isn't always safe.. there was a few times when monsters have breeched the borders. And of course sometimes monsters are allowed in to train or for other reasons..." Percy trailed off as in lost in thought. I didn't want to inturrupt since he looked pretty troubled, but I noticed we were near Brooklyn, and I suddenly got an idea..

I shook Percy's shoulder a bit to regain his attention, "Hey, can we make a stop in Brooklyn?"

He looked rather confused but none the less he nodded and told Blacakjack. Blackjack immediatly changed his course of direction and flew towards the East River. As we neared I noticed an abandoned warehouse coming up. 

"Stop at the abondoned warehouse," I said.

"Ok but may I ask wh-" Percy suddenly looked up and did a double take. "Dude, why is there a giant mansion ontop?"

'What? You can see that? How?" I asked in disbelief. When I had first arrived my uncle needed to point it out to me, and I was looking for a mansion.

"Well my mind isn't fooled easily by the Mist."

"The Mist?"

"You know what keeps regular mortals from seeing monsters and magic? Well of course there are exceptions."

"Huh. I've never heard of that. Anyways, the mansion was put up here to try to gain some privacy," I replied as we landed on the roof. "Welcome to the Twenty-first Nome."

I led the way down the stairs and into the hallway that held my bedroom. Instead of stopping and going into my bedroom I walked past and knocked on the door next to my room. 

"What is it?" an irratable voice from inside said.

"Just open up!"

The door opened to reveal a girl younger than me with blond hair sporting bright orange and black stripes, reminding me of tigers. She was wearing black combat boots and had an irrated look on her face- that was until she caught a look of Percy Jackson.

Completly ignoring me she turned to him and smiled sweetly, "Hey, I'm Sadie Kane."

"Uh hi?" Percy replied as if unsure he should be talking to her. 

I pushed Sadie, which I believed lightly, but she shoved me back and gave me a razor sharp glare. "Sadie, the crocodile I was chasing, may turn out to be the son of Sobek. Percy was also after him and we teamed up. We were just headed back to his camp to get some medical supplies, but I guess  we can just grab some here."

Sadie looked at me impatiently as if silently asking why this concerned her. "Well when I met Percy he displyed some unusual talents and shred some interesting information... He says he's part Greek god, Posiedon to be exact."

This caught her attention. She quickly looked between me and Percy. She then grabbed my arm, "Excuse us for a minute," she said as she dragged me into her room, closing the door behind us. 

"What are you talking about? Is this some kind of a joke?" she glared at me accusingly.

I raised my hands in surrender, "No I'm dead serious! Percy has certainly proved himself as a son of Poseidon and as a worthy oppenent as well. His camp we were going to go to has others like him."

Sadie shook head as if to clear it from thoughts. "Fine, I believe you. I also think you should still go his camp."

" What? why?"

"We need to know more about them. What if there not all as friendly as Percy? We need to learn what their up to."

I sighed fearing she was right. "But it'll only waste time and Percy and I need to find this crocodile and fast."

"That's exactly why I'm coming with you," she grinnind midchiviously. 

"What? This isn't to flirt with Percy is it? Because you do know you have a boyfriend?"

"Of course! How could I forget Walt/Anubus! That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to think other boys are hot. I will stay at his camp and learn about them and you can go out and play woth your little crocodile."

"Fine," I said rather angry that her idea wa fairly good. 

I walked out without another word, assuming Sadie was following me. Percy was just leaning against the wall casually as if waiting in a strange magical house was something he did every day (although he might- who knows what this kid does) 

"Ok my sister Sadie and I are just going to grab some supplies and then we will both go to Camp with you. Sadie will stay at camp while we try to find Sobek's kid." Percy raised an eyebrow when I said sister (I'm guessing because Sadie and I look and behave nothing alike) but that was the only response he gave. Quicly I gathered some supplies and we were on the roof in no tome. 

As soon as Sadie saw Blackjack she gasped,"It's beautiful!"

"Yea his name is Blackack," Perct replied and then turned to Blackjack. "Can you give all three of us a ride?... Really? That's fine- And don't call me boss!"

"You can talk to him?" Sadie cried in wonder.

"Yea kind of  Posiedon thing. Anyways he said that three people are too much weight..."

"That;s ok," I said, "I'll just turn into a falcon and fly beside you guys." Without another word I turned into a falcon. As I shrunk I could feel feather grown and talons extend. My eyesight became sharp and my keen hearing pick up sounds inadiable to human ears. 

"Wow. That is extremely awesome!" Percy cried as he helped Sadie onto Blackjack and then got on himself.

I didn't think I was all too impressive considering some of the things that Percy had done, but it was nice feeling a little superior. 

As I flew next to Blackjack, I thought about how I never relized that Percy could speak to horses. I guess I thought he was just talking to Blackjack as an owner would to a dog or I was to busy trying not fall to my death before. In no time I saw Long Beach ahead of me (its amazong how fast pegasi and flacons can fly). I looked over at Percy to find him grinning.

"Welcome to Camp Halfblood."

I'm sorry for updating slow, but I've been really busy. I know that since Spring Break had started I should have more time, but I'm planning a surprise party for my friend... SHHHH don't tell anyone....

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