The Temple

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After the rain overnight, Next day dawned at the shaolin temple. Bodhi returned from the jungle treetop task and he saw that Shifu too woke up at the same time of his entry into the temple. In sometime, both of them came to meet at same point overlooking the majestic mountains and the villages under them.. Shifu said to Bodhi: "we are not here only to learn things. When time comes, you must use your learnings for the safety and benefit of the society.. Martial arts is that sharp knife which serves as a tool or a weapon. How you use it, is determined largely by your inner nature."

Bodhi observed those deep words and also was determined to practice them. Anyhow he gathered courage and asked his Shifu. "Respected Shifu.. i don't understand why the bad predators of this jungle are preying on poor defenseless people".. 

Shifu replied, "Bodhi.. always understand that there are no good or bad predators.. they are just doing their job. There is a good reason why you are tasked to spend your nights on a treetop". "But Shifu, yesterday i had a narrow escape from a tiger that was about to kill me.", said Bodhi.

Shifu continued, "How do you even know that the tiger was about to kill you? It could be its defense to protect itself. Predators never attack without a purpose. Unlike humans, they dont kill for sport or money", smiled Shifu.

What a safe-sided comment Shifu has made. Is he escaping the intense question thrown to his face? Or is he speaking the truth? Bodhi was not so sure. If Shifu cant answer him, who else can? Bodhi was still left unanswered to his undying question. 

 Shifu said "The answer to your questions are there in your practices. Pay attention to your routines. One day it will make sense". Shifu walked away after speaking those words. Bodhi started his hard kung-Fu routines. He said to himself "I will find my answer" and continued his martial arts practices..

After the morning practices, he was curious to know if his routines can be helpful to the society. With the same curiosity, he took a bath and proceeded towards the breakfast table. The breakfast area was filled with other practitioners. Senior monks, masters and juvenile learners. 

The air was calm and cold. Those monks had so much to offer to the world but they were so quiet in outlook. These humble beings can change even a big society. Yet there they were. Still obeying the norms of the temple and keeping absolutely speechless to mind their own business. Bodhi could not solve this very puzzle. It could take him even three more years to decode this mystery!

Bodhi picked his salad bowl and the protein toasts. He sat down at the table overlooking the mountains and ate his breakfast thinking of Tara's family in his own silence. He finished his breakfast quickly and washed his plate and bowl. He rushed towards his tent and he settled himself in his bed again. As soon as Bodhi hit the bed, he slept like a child. 

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