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For starters, let's start with Billie's story. Her life became sad and miserable when her parents divorced. They separated because her father cheated on her mother. 

After the divorce, her mother became a different person. She ignored Billie, drank and went home with different men. She eventually remarried. Billie's stepfather didn't want her in the house because it was too small for him, her mother and his two children.

So one day after school, Billie found her luggage at the door. The lock was changed and she could not enter. Her stepmother didn't want her around her father, so she was dumped on the streets.

For two years she lived in an abandoned, dilapidated house. Billie didn't have a job because no one wanted a sixteen-year-old girl. She tried to find money to have at least food, but to no avail. She went to bed hungry almost every day.

During the day she wandered in search of work. If you ask about her parents, she had no contact with her father or mother.

We have reached the day when her life changed. After another interview, she sat on a bench and cried, thinking she would starve while she is alive.

A man approached and sat down next to her. At first she was startled, but after he told her he would help her, she decided to stay and listen to him.
She told him about her life, and he seemed interested. When he offered her a job, her eyes lit up and she was very happy, even though she didn't know what kind of job he was offering.

The man told her he was producing porn movies. She also offered to be one of his porn actresses. At first she stared at him and thought.

They pay well, maybe if I shoot about five times in his movies I'll make enough money for food and maybe housing. Damn, I'll do it.

Billie agreed, and before he left he handed her a business card and a slip of paper with the address she had to go to the next day to film the porn.

Yes she did it.

Life is definitely better now than before. She has a huge house and continues to make millions from porn. She always thought that this profession was nasty, but after she started she realized that this was not the case. They pay you millions for every movie or video and satisfy her. What more could a person want.


Brandon. He grew up in a children's home. He does not know his parents. When he was eighteen, he was kicked out because he should be able to handle himself.

He managed to rent a small apartment in the suburbs with the help of his savings. He was looking for a job, but it was difficult because he was young and inexperienced.

One day he came across a website and decided to see it because he read that they were offering a job. When he saw what it was all about, he became skeptical. But he thought that if he tried, he might become a millionaire, buy a home of his own, and make his dreams come true.

The next day he went to the address and shot his first porn video.

So yeah, he did it too.

Billie and Brandon: I Found YouWhere stories live. Discover now