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Billie was in her kitchen cooking herself a vegan dinner. She prepared the spices and mixed the products. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

She washed her hands, dried them and go to open the door. There he was. One of the people she didn't want to see or hear about anymore...her dad.

"Hi." Billie said without emotion. She honestly didn't care about anyone who isn't Brandon already.

"Hi, can I come in?"

She just get out of his way and let him come inside. They stand by the couch. Billie didn't even bother to ask if he wanted something like a drink. We can say that Brandon teaches her how to don't care about the people who hurt her.

"What do you want?"

"Billie, don't be that disrespectful. I just wanted to see my daughter."

She chuckle. "Since when I am your daughter? It's obvious that you want something, just ask for it. It's not that hard you should learn this from mom."

"You always have been my daughter and you always will."

"Dad, please. If you want something just tell me. Don't waste my time with your bullshit."

"Billie! I came here and tried to be nice to you but you are being so disrespectful. What happened to the kind hearted girl. You aren't the way I raised you."

"You raised me? Are you for real? I basically grown up without a father. You always were somewhere out cheating on my mother. Finally, your infidelities and your divorce from my mother affected me. I turned out to be the victim. You both started families and literally threw me out on the street. But you know what I don't understand. Khai is also your daughter from a past marriage, but don't treat her the same way you treated me."

"Billie! Don't talk about my daughter like that! I was nice to come here, but you-"

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

She grabbed his arm and pushed him out of her house. Billie closed the door in his face.

She went back to the kitchen ignoring what just happened.


As she started eating her phone rang. It was Brandon.

"Hi, Bill."
"Hi, Bandon."
"I wanted to ask you, would you like to go out on a date with me. Like now."
"Um, ok. Just give me a hour so I can get ready."
"I'm waiting, babe."

Billie hangs up and quickly ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She take out her prettiest dress. It was orange with big neckline. She curled her hair and did her make up.

After about a hour she was all done. She was beautiful.

Billie got a text from Brandon.

I'm in front of your house. I'm waiting. <3."

Billie and Brandon: I Found YouWhere stories live. Discover now