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Unsurprisingly, Winter spends her Friday night someplace other than the Yu' house, and she's still out by Saturday afternoon. This grants Karina the whole day of peace and quiet, and she decides to celebrate by testing her new nibs after a blissfully silent dinner.

She got into calligraphy when she was in eighth grade and to this day it's an extremely soothing and satisfying hobby of hers. Maybe she should introduce Winter to it. Sometimes, she sounds like she needs it.

She grits her teeth, willing the image of the infuriating blonde away. Even absent Winter somehow manages to mess with her day. She won't let her. With that decided, Karina retrieves the package from her desk, excitement in her fingertips as she takes out the nibs and the lighter. Most people get rid of factory coating on their nibs by rubbing them with alcohol, but Karina uses the flame method, holding the nib over fire. It feels more authentic.

She's almost finished with the first nib when a loud door slam downstairs startles her, making her burn her finger. Winter is home. Karina listens carefully for a moment. Home, and not alone, either. But the sounds are different from the ones that usually resonate through the house when she's with a 'date'.

Karina tries to get back into her calm mindset, but her fragile peace is gone. Winter and her guests put music on and loudly tell each other jokes Karina has no interest in understanding. Karina's not one for making assumptions about people, but Winter and her friends are so, so typical at times. Loud music and loud laughter and loud fucking, all without real substance. Without essence and care for anything.

When she marches down into the living room, she's greeted by two people she wants to see even less than Winter. Aeri Uchinaga and Lee Chaeryeong, high school juniors, suspected delinquents, and of course Winter's best friends are sprawled out on her spacious couch, and they aren't happy to see her, either. The dimming of Aeri's smile and Chaeryeong's exaggerated eye-roll let her know as much. Karina ignores them.

"Winter," she grits through her teeth. The blonde is the only one in the room whose good mood is still present. "Could you please be quieter? I'm trying to study." She puts an emphasis on trying just in case Winter misses it, and watches as Aeri joins Chaeryeong in excessive eye-rolling. Karina thinks it's a pity they can't actually get stuck that way.

Winter cocks her head to the side, letting her blonde hair fall over one shoulder. She's still wearing her sunglasses from outside, and she's got bedhead, like always, blonde tresses brushed through with impatient fingers. If they were hers or someone else's hungry ones this morning, Karina's not sure. It still looks unfairly good.

"Well," Winter says. "You have headphones, don't you?"

Karina locks her jaw, glaring at Winter silently, but all she gets in response is a lazy, amused smile.

Chaeryeong snickers in her hand as Karina turns around and leaves.

"Your sister's kind of a bitch," she hears Aeri say as she climbs the stairs.

"She's not my fucking sister," Winter snaps, and Karina definitely catches steel in her voice.

She wonders, not for the first time, what she could've possibly done to offend Winter. She's been nothing but coldly polite when she asked Winter to stop having sex so loudly. Maybe it's the 'coldly' part. Or, maybe, Winter's just kind of a bitch herself.

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