chapter one ✓

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Chapter One

BONNIE BENNETT felt so weak. She wanted to feel strong and powerful like she usually did, but without control of her powers, she felt worthless.

She was so close to her home; she could see it and feel it. She could see the door locking behind her as she realized that she had finally achieved safety and could feel the relief glide through her like a soft wave in the ocean.

She was running faster than she ever knew she could run and crying harder than she ever had before. Everything would be fine when she reached her fortress, her home. As she approached the door, couldn't help but shake the feeling that this was too easy. How had she escaped from vampires from running strictly on foot?

That was her mistake. A mistake that could've been fatal. She got distracted and slowed down. Two vampires sped in front of her as she tried to slow herself without falling face-first into the damp grass.

Not having another choice in the matter, she lifted her hand in a motion that, if her magic worked, would send the vampires flying backward. When they didn't move, she cursed herself. She really was a failure as a witch. Earth magic, expression, hell, even her dark magic was turning away from her.

Without even turning around, she knew that she was now surrounded. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on the edge, and she shut her eyes. She didn't want to watch them kill her.

When nothing happened for a few seconds, she opened one of her eyes. She slowly examined her surroundings and was met with a sight she didn't expect. The very vampires that were surrounding her were... dead. Laying on the grass that was now stained in blood, their hearts' lay on top of their chest.

She spun around again, thinking her savior was Damon. They had a falling out, but she should have known that her friends would have come for her. "Damon! I thought-"

"Ms. Bennett?" Someone called out from behind her. "I do believe you are praising the wrong savior."

Bonnie tensed. She recognized that voice, that infamous British voice.


She didn't take her eyes off him as her body was suddenly flooded with a whole new fear. Why was he here? Klaus has been wanting her and her friends dead for weeks now, so why save her? Nevertheless, she stumbled to her door, dodging discarded body parts.

After fumbling for the right key on her, what seemed like an endless key ring, she finally opened the door and breathed. It wasn't until she opened her eyes again did she see it. On the ground, bathing in a pool of his blood, her father lay unconscious on the hardwood floor.

She fell to her knees, tears flooding her vision. It felt like she was in a cycle of never-ending grief and that fate was trying to rip her apart from the inside out. Blood soaked into her thin black leggings as she kneeled beside his frozen body. Even with all of the anger and fear threatening to consume her whole, her magic still refused to help.

Angry at herself, angry at her magic, and angry at Silas, she sucked in a breath before she let out a blood-curdling scream. Doubling over beside her father, ripples of sobs and cries broke through. Her throat started to close, and it was getting hard for her to swallow.

Eventually, her body fell to the ground; her head rested on her father's still chest. She could feel her heart pounding so fast in her chest that it may just pop out. But at the same time, she felt she was dying. How long would she be in this pain? How long would she be subject to this unending torment?

There she laid for minutes or hours; she really didn't know. However long, she refused to move. This place, her home, was supposed to be one of the safest places for her. And just like everywhere else in this city of death, it was too ruined for her.




In the Mikaelson Mansion

Rebekah threw her body against the soft plush sofa as she kicked her legs up on top of the glass coffee table in front of her. When she did, her heels made a loud clicking noise, one that Elijah was getting irritated of hearing. Before she could take a nice, soothing sip of her bourbon, her older brother came striding in the room.

Pausing in front of the door frame to get a good look at her, Elijah's eyes met hers. "Please, do tell why, sister, you cannot use the floor for its intended purpose?"

The original rolled her eyes and didn't move her feet. "My feet, Elijah, would be walking right now if your brother was on time for once in his life. Since he is not, as per usual, I will prop my feet up however I would like."

Elijah took her half-ass explanation and decided to ignore it. Pouring himself a glass of scotch, he slid it to the side. "I'm sure Niklaus will be on his way soon enough," He started before taking a small sip. "I'm sure he's gotten... tied up."

Rebekah chuckled sarcastically. "I hope not, Elijah. I made reservations for our outing. It's been too long since we've eaten a good meal together."

Both siblings looked away suddenly at feeling their ears twitch. The wooden plank outside the front door cracked right before the door opened. The smell of blood quickly hit their noses and Rebekah winced at the sudden flooding of her senses. Before either of them could stand on guard to whoever was dumb enough to break into their homes, Klaus walked past the door frame.

Rebekah scrunched up her nose as the hybrid walked closer to them. "Who in the bloody hell did you kill?"

Klaus only chuckled at walking past his siblings, heading for the spiral marble staircase in the middle of the house. "A couple of vampires," He replied. "And I just put us in good standing with a certain Bennett witch."



"I know, I know," Klaus stated, pulling his bloody shirt over his head. "But we're leaving anyway, so what's the danger in having an insurance plan if we ever need her."

"She's nearly killed you once, Nik," Rebekah argued. "She has come for you and this family. Do we want to give her a chance to do so again?"

"Rebekah, love, let it go," The hybrid dodged. "I'll get changed so we can go. As you told me earlier, we do have a reservation, do we not?"

Leaving his siblings without time for any time of rebuttal, he went inside his room and shut the door. Things were finally going to plan.


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