chapter two ✓

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Chapter Two 

REBEKAH MIKAELSON giggled next to her brothers as the waitress whisked by them once again without bringing Elijah's fork. He had been asking for it every time she had passed and regardless of her promises to bring it the next, she never did. Now, every time Rebekah or Nik saw the waitress they would laugh at or tease the oldest living original.

Elijah's salad had remained untouched for the sole reason that he had no utensil to eat it with while Nik, who had chosen to eat a steak with a nice side salad, the fork came on the plate with the steak, was nearly done with his food.

"I've got to say, Rebekah, this was an exquisite establishment to reminisce on past memories, however, I do think it's about time to leave. Elijah, brother, it looks like you'll need to take a carryout and eat your supper at home."

Rebekah only giggled, taking a sip of her drink. "Nik's right, 'Lijah. I suppose you will have to dine at home." As soon as the youngest original spoke her words, the waiter appeared behind her, apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I completely forgot."

Before the blond woman could hand Elijah the fork, Rebekah stood up, stopping her in her tracks. "Never mind that now, love, just go fetch the check," She started before she stared into her eyes. "And please, do not dally."

Klaus chuckled, and if looks could kill, Rebekah would have been dead. She tilted her head and pouted at his disapproving look. "Oh, come on now, Elijah, Nik and I are already done eating. Plus, I want to get out of here in time to try that new ice cream store."

"Rebekah, no," Elijah demanded, his voice firm leaving no room for negotiations. "This is what, the second night in a row, you've had sugary fillings after supper."

"We're vampires, Elijah. It's not like when we were children and could damage our teeth," Rebekah started. "Please, brother."

Niklaus cleared his throat and righted his chain hanging from his neck before he rose. As the woman came back with the check, the hybrid handed her two hundred and compelled her away. "Brother, come on now. You've been saying all evening how this was Rebekah's day and now it's time to prove it. Rebekah, show the way to the ice cream."

Rebekah rose happily and slid her hand through her brother's extended arm taking one last sip of her drink. A smirk rose on the hybrid's face as he realized that he had won since Elijah offered no argument to his statement.

Elijah too rose from his seat, leaving his unattended salad behind. He fixed his blue jacket and righted his handkerchief. With his two little siblings filled up on sugar, this was guaranteed to be the longest night.




Highway 1-20, Mystic Falls Virginia

Bonnie Bennett was supposed to be the town witch, the savior of her city, and her friends. She was never supposed to be fighting thousands of years old immortals and vampires born before calendars were even invented. She had to deal with more loss and more death than anyone in this city and if she was being honest with herself, she didn't even know what for.

What were they even fighting for? Why did they ever even go after Klaus or Silas or any of the insane people who she had to take on? Why did she blindly go along through that?

She stopped her thoughts.

All would be okay now. She knew how to fix it all. She knew a way to get away from the vampires and how to get away from her magic; from being a witch. As she looked up from her nervous fingers, she saw the headlights of the person in front of her lift. She waited a few seconds before she began to speed up. She glanced over at the speed limit which had sixty proudly displayed in bold letters. She shifted over to the left lane, the fastest lane, before picking up a little.

She glanced down at her speedometer and saw how fast she was going, eighty. She could feel the gas peddle get steeper as she lowered her foot on it a little more. Every car in front of her shifted over to the right lane wanting to avoid an accident.

She kept pushing until she reached one hundred. She unclasped her seat belt, as her mind began to race. She couldn't help but rethink her decision. However, it didn't take much persuasion to come to her conclusion. This is the only way she would have peace. This was the only way she'd ever be able to be without pain, without heartache, without misery.

She had made up her mind.

With one quick jerk of the wheel, her tires screeched and she felt herself lung forwards. The car she hit, and herself, took multiple turns over the grassed area before finally, she hit a tree. Every window in the vehicle had broken, her car had a dent as big as a brown bear in the side, and the person, the witch in the front seat, wasn't moving.


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