chapter thirty-eight

588 34 38

I posted on my message board that I am confirming the deaths of two characters in Chapter 40.

Any guesses?


Chapter 38

Rebekah Mikaelson gasped as she woke, her hand flying to her neck as she sat up from the ground. She whipped her head around, searching for anyone who might be trying to attack her.

"Calm down, sweet child," She heard a voice try to soothe behind her. "You're safe."

"Safe?" Rebekah repeated, dusting off her pants. "Tell me who you are right now, or I will tear your throat out."

Lenore sat back in one of the nearby chairs. "Once you calm, we may have a civil conversation, child. I do want to hear of your travels. I haven't had the chance to watch over you since my return."

The original took a step back, her head tilting in confusion. "Mother?"

"Sweet Rebekah, how I have missed you," Lenore continued. "Come sit with me; I have a gift."

"Mother, how-? What is this?"

"It is only what I wish for you," Lenore showed her. Walking to a side of the room, Lenore waved her hand muttering an incantation. Almost immediately, an invisible spell dropped and the Original Witch uncovered a woman. "This is your chance."

"Unless she is food, mother, I don't think I understand. Who is that?"

"This," Lenore countered, "is Camille O'Connell, a human. Rebekah, my sweet daughter, I wish to give you the chance to have a family of your own. Allow me to place you into her body and give you the dream you've always wished for."

Rebekah shook her head in disbelief. The woman was beautiful, and she would kill to be able to walk in the body of a human, but at what cost? Why would the woman who has tried to kill her on numerous occasions be willing to help her now? "What's the catch?" Rebekah asked, knowing full well she didn't want to know the answer.

Lenore sighed and dropped her hands. Reaching behind her, she pulled out the one thing that made Rebekah step back.

The indestructible white oak stake.

"Mother, why do you have that?"

Lenore sat it down on the table slowly. "I don't want to hurt you, Rebekah. Once you agree, I will place you inside this body, a body that will allow you to fulfill your greatest desires. And in return, I will destroy your current body."

Rebekah gasped. "You birthed this body, Mother. You can get rid of it."

"I birthed your soul, sweet child," Lenore countered. "Your soul will live on and create a legacy of your own."

"And if I say no?" Rebekah mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "If I simply walk about of here right now... then what?"

Lenore sighed again and took steps toward the blonde vampire. "You cannot simply leave. There is magic keeping you here. And if you decide against it, you will give me no choice but to go against your will."




Bonnie Bennett sat on the grass outside the Compound, allowing her mind to race as her magic did. There was a small fire burning, one that would enlarge then shrink whenever her magic told it to. She pulled her legs closer to her, hugging herself as she did.

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