chapter fifty-five

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Chapter 55


Mina Alise Bennett swallowed as she knocked on the door to Klaus's study, the place where she had just witnessed her cousin bolt up to. When she heard Bonnie say that she could enter, she sucked in a breath, asking herself only one question.

Why the fuck was she always the one to tell the bad news.

When she twisted the knob and the door swung open, she realized that the floor was covered in ripped-out pages, candles, and a hell of a lot of sage. Bonnie pushed one of the papers closer to her as she clicked a pen nervously. Mumbling incoherently to herself, the younger Bennett witch nodded slowly, agreeing with whatever plan was cooking up in her brain.

"Bon?" Mina called out. She had been standing there for about a solid minute and at no point did she ask if something was up. "For starters, I wanted to let you know that Harley is upstairs with Alix. We had a family matter to discuss, and I was needed."

"That's fine," Bonnie mumbled. "Did you call Marcel and Davina back?" Bonnie asked, her tired eyes wandering over the papers from the grimoires she had collected about the Bennett queen. She hoped that the answer was yes because all she had ever wanted for her little girl was for her to have a family unlike what she had.

Mina swallowed the oversized lump in her throat. She found her breathing had slowed as she fiddled with her fingers. "Umm... yes. Well, yes to the call part."

At this, and the shakiness in Mina's voice, Bonnie finally looked up. Her eyes were bloodshot. It was as if she had been crying for the entire twenty minutes she had been up here alone. "What's wrong?"

When Mina didn't answer fast enough, Bonnie pushed herself off of the ground, praying to whatever God existed that no one in her makeshift family had died.

"I–Davina's missing," Mina blurted out before she changed her mind and ordered Elijah to come up and confess it himself.

Bonnie dropped the pen in her hand. "W-What?"

"Marcel is with Elijah and Henrik now trying to do a locator spell," Mina finished softly. "When Henrik and Isabel didn't see her at school, they called Marcel to check on her. She went missing this morning."

Bonnie turned around, her back now to her cousin. Davina was a member of this family who she had risked her life for. Who she had stood up for and now... now she's.... missing. As pain and grief started to simmer in her stomach, she closed her eyes.

She didn't have time to cry or be sad.

Turning her attention back to her work, she picked up a couple of pages she had torn out. On her knees, she sifted through the stack, wondering where she had put what in the time since she had been up here.

Mina, however, wiped away a stray tear as she watched her cousin on the ground... seemingly completely fine. The revelation of Davina's unknown whereabouts had caused an uproar downstairs, but up here, it didn't seem like Bonnie even moved to help.


Nevertheless, she looked down, watching as her cousin sent dozens of pages flying across the room in search of something she was looking for. Mina squinted her eyes, noticing that not all the pages had been from the grimores. No.

These were fresh papers with symbols and spells she had never seen before written on them. Looking down at the notepad beside her, Mina looked down at the black pencil beside Bonnie's avalanche of papers.

Then, it clicked.

Bonnie had been creating spells herself.


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