chapter three

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Chapter Three

REBEKAH MIKAELSON was the first one to cross the threshold of the Mikaelson Manor. Her black heels clicked against the wooden floor as her nose took in the familiar scent. It had been a long time since they had stepped into the house they had spent the last decade in. Out of all 50 states, California was definitely one of her favorites.

"Miss. Mikaelson, it's a pleasure to see you again," A woman greeted, coming up behind Rebekah excitedly. The woman had been the maid for nearly two decades. Even when they left, she remained to keep the house up to par. "Where are your bags?"

Rebekah smiled and walked over to the wide, open window and looked opened them, feeling the sunlight hit her arms. The black curtains slid to the side smoothly. She sighed. "Elijah and Nik are fetching the bags, but I'm sure they would be quite ecstatic to be able to relax coming in." Speeding over to the woman, she looked her in her eyes. "Make yourself scarce and help my brothers."

Nik came in before the housemaid could even make it out of the door. With nothing in his hands, he walked over to the alcohol section that he prayed was still intact. Luckily, it was. He took the liberty of pouring himself a glass of scotch. "It's been a minute, hasn't it, sister."

Rebekah nodded and turned around. "I'm going to need to go to town. I imagine my bedroom looks quite bland and I can't see myself living in that for the next however many decades."

Niklaus nodded. He honestly didn't care, but when Rebekah felt ignored, the whole house could end up in shambles. "I need to go see that witch. This house needs to be impossible to find, especially by those pesky Salvatores."

"And that God-forsaken Bennett witch," Rebekah added. "Finn and Kol are dead, there's no sense in the rest of us following suit."

Klaus didn't reply. He was sure that Rebekah didn't know the extent of the pain he experienced watching Kol's burning corpse, but still, her words cut him sharper than a wielded blade.

"Come on, Nik, what fun is it being in the river if you won't swim with me."

Young Niklaus suppressed an eye roll as he stood in front of the river bank with his hands on his hips. It was quite a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly upon the greenest grass Niklaus had ever seen and the sky was the most gorgeous blue he had ever had the pleasure of letting his eyes rest upon. However, he was spending the evening of this day trying to persuade his brother to get out of the water. "Kol, brother, Father will kill us if we aren't in by supper. What are you not understanding?"

Kol ignored his brother as he flipped over on his back, letting the sun hit his skin as he floated in the cool water. Dirt and grass easily slipped from his hair and whisked throughout the bank.

"Supper isn't for another half hour at least, Nik. Please, one lap around, and then we'll leave."

Niklaus still didn't budge. "Come, now Kol or I will fetch Elijah. I doubt he'd want to be distracted from his studies because his littlest brother wouldn't get out of the river."

"Leave Elijah out of this Nik. You act as if it's a crime to have a little fun." Kol went underwater for a few seconds, splashing water about as he swam to stay towards the top of the water.

Niklaus couldn't help but consider. What was the harm in a little fun? After all, his back was in a heavy amount of pain after their father came home angry that Mother hadn't made supper yet. What better than the cool water to act as a soothing agent?

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