◇ shower ◇

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a/n: NSFW CONTENT WARNING!! it's not the best but i tried, have mercy this is my first time trying to write decent smut

Now, Alexa was only human. She was aware of the goosebumps on her neck caused by Rapp's warm breath barely reaching her skin. She knew he was aware. She almost made the decision that it would be just one more time, but she stopped herself. This was not a moment to let up, not again- not with Rapp of all people. She wasn't going to let him drag her down with his reckless behavior, not when she had to prove that she still had it within her. They had a mission after all; the mission was always the priority.

"This is not the time," she muttered under her breath as she regarded her reflection with a scolding determination.

Rapp moved the shower curtain to look at her, "Did you say anything?"

Not the time.

Mitch slightly frowned at her in the mirror.

Fuck it.

She turned around and kissed him, put a hand around his neck and pushed him back into the shower. His back hit the yellow tiles and he grunted as she stepped into the stream of freezing water with him. Her clothes stuck to her body; the bitter cold trailing over her amplified the feeling of Mitch's burning skin. Alexa suddenly found herself craving more. Everything that weighed on her conscience just moments ago was washed away, gone down the drain of the cramped shower stall and replaced with a hollow desire. Mitch's hands caressed her body with a trembling urgency. It made her uneasy in her own skin, made a warmth erupt within the depths of her abdomen. She completely surrendered herself to the whims of her reckless mind, sinking further into the momentous sensation of Mitch's touch.

Mitch explored her body like an uncharted territory, claiming it for his own and revelling in the hungry kiss that came as a welcome surprise. Alexa grew impatient by the moment. The warmth was now spreading itself through her body like an infection, ruling over her senses and leaving her body to act on an impulse. She allowed Mitch to rip her shirt open and hurl it on the bathroom floor, swiftly discarding her drenched shorts to the shower floor and kicking them to the side.

Her rival pulled her up against his chest, so that she could feel his erratic heartbeat, and spun her around to pin her against the wall. She could feel his erection pressed between them as he resumed the kiss that was so needlessly interrupted, twitching with arousal. She trailed her fingertips down his neck; her nails raking the skin of his chest, moving downward with the waterflow until her hand stopped. His breath caught in his throat at the abruptness of her touch. He relinquished all control and regained it again when he picked her up by her thighs, pushing her back harder against the wall and pressing his hips into hers until she started to moan his name.

Alexa had no escape, and she didn't want to escape. A thought forced itself through her mind that she could let him exploit her like this forever. That she could let herself drown in his touch over and over again until there was nothing left of her, until she abandoned all her dignity- discarded it for the simple but disarming rush he elicited.

He coaxed hearty moans out of her as he gripped onto her flesh and crashed his hips into hers with a rising haste. She gathered all her strength not to make a sound when he crashed into her one final time. The constant drumming of water against the shower floor almost drowned out the quiet grunts and gasps erupting from his throat, but they echoed in Alexa's head and stuck to her mind like honey. The muscles of her thighs ached and trembled for what must've been a couple of seconds- yet it seemed like hours while he held her close to his heaving chest.

Once their breaths were evened out and the coolness of the water dominated their senses once again, their gazes found each other in a vulnerable moment of silence. He was still holding her up with his weakened arms while his legs desperately aimed to keep up the weight of their bodies.

The vibrant shine of his eyes faded as he slowly placed her back on her feet, assuming their ordinary glassy darkness once again. "You don't have to say anything," he muttered as he withdrew from the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"I wasn't going to say anything," she cleared her throat and turned off the stream of water, the lukewarm air of the bathroom wafting over her. "We have to sleep," saying the obvious, she picked up her drenched clothes and watched him walk out through the open door. As he moved out of the way she was greeted by the sight of herself in the mirror, her hair drenched, stuck to her toned muscles and her cheeks tinted red.

She gathered whatever was left of her shattered self-respect, tossed the wet rags from her hands into the sink and wrapped a towel around herself. She joined Rapp in their shared bedroom. He was already in his bed, in the far corner of the room, his broad back illuminated by a strip of moonlight that snuck in through the small window on the wall above him.

Alexa made a conscious effort to get into her own bed in silence; afraid to disrupt the peace that settled in the air. She turned her back in the direction where Rapp laid motionless and quiet, closing her eyes and banishing all thoughts about what transpired just minutes ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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