Stressed out

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I woke up cuddling an long pillow. I heard a slight snore but I didn't mind. Grim tended to snore alot at night not to mention everyone else in the dorm. I tried to turn but the Pillow wouldn't come with me. I pouted and pulled again but it wouldn't budge. Opening my eyes I saw two Bright green eyes and a large smirk.

"Well good morning to you to. You have some Nerve stealing my arm like this" I blinked and looked down. Arm? ARM! not a pillow! I let go and moved away but my shirt got grabbed.

"Calm down I didn't say it was a bad thing. Now quit moving about and go back to sleep" I groaned when I felt the same arm as before come down on top of me. I took a deep breath. Well it could be worse. I could be late. What time was it anyway? I turned and felt a cold run down my spine. I wigged in his grip. Ruggie sat up and yawned. 

"Hm? Yuu? Why ya shaking the bed?" Leona had pitty on me and lifted his arm.

"We're all going to be late! I thought you wanted to train this morning?" Ruggie raised an eye brow at me and yawned.

"It's Saturday, Yuu come back to bed" I don't think I've ever seen Ruggie pout but he had his ears back and the cutest Puppy eyes. I paused at putting on my jacket.

"B-but... I have to" 

"Cub if you don't get back to the bed I'm gonna lay on you" I jumped pulling my hands in. Well I guess it is a Saturday... I could use some more sleep. I walked back to the bed and Got pulled down. Leona put an arm on top of me again. I yawned and curled into the heat. Ruggie smirked and snickered.

"Awe I didn't know you followed orders Yuu, Maybe I should take it for a test drive" I looked up over Leona.

"Don't push it. I would have fought more if it wasn't Saturday" Ruggie snickered however both our heads hurt after Leona hit us upside the head.

"Sleep, Now" I signed and laid down. Well I guess a lazy day isn't so bad.


I woke up to a smaller body. They were really nice and warm. I pulled then closer and rubbed my nose next to their ear. I'm sure if it's Leona like I was sleeping next to before he'll stop me. When that didn't happen I looked up to sadly hair instead of a nice dark brown. The ears were also much larger...spotted.. the smaller body turned and Ruggie was smirking at me. I blushed bright red. However I couldn't help but notice the bright pink on his cheeks to.

"If you two are done cuddling it's time for lunch" I sat up quickly.

"S-sorry" He sighed and shook his head.

"Lets just get to the Cafeteria" Ruggie Sat up and put on his jacket. I pulled on mine. Ruggie moved next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. Thankfully I stopped wearing any Valuables after I saw how quickly he could pickpocket.

"Come one Yuu, Lets walk with Leona. Sense were all together anyway!" I blinked and nodded.

"Sure, That sounds nice" He grinned and Leona smirked.

"Then you can help Ruggie get the food" I pouted and there was the catch. Well atleast I didn't feel as watched when I was with them as I did before. Actually now that I think about it. I didn't feel watched at all? Weird.

We walked down the steps of SavannaClaw a few students were gathering preparing to head to lunch. Lunch was always held in the Cafeteria. Breakfast and Dinner however were optional to eat in your dorms or on Campus. As we walked into the Cafeteria I saw a few of my friends. I waved at them smiling and they looked shocked. However before They could come over Ruggie was dragging me to the line.

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