It's just the beginning.

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LameHot was pulling up to school as usual in his Dodge Charger. He parks in the Senior parking lot, all eyes on him. You could say LameHot was considered a "popular guy", but he wasn't just any type of popular guy, He has a small friend group and doesn't get into trouble often. He's basically a teachers pet as he has a very healthy teacher & student relationships with most of his teachers. "Hey!" Kapowh says excitedly running towards him, "Good Morning Kapowh." He says smiling. "I forgot my homework at home." Kapowh says, "Well Isn't that sad for you." LameHot teases, "Could you please give me the Math homework?" She pleads, " And what would I get in return?" LameHot asks, "I'll get Mr. Packingson to give you a 100% on your Math test." She looks back at LameHot, "Alright fine you can have It, you need it more than me anyways." He hands her the Math homework. They began walking to the first class of the morning, Chemistry class. LameHot never liked Chemistry class, one of the main reasons being the fact that Mr. Garrison is an absolute asshole. I mean let's be real, no sane person likes Chemistry. They enter the classroom 2 minutes late, "Please work on getting to class earlier.", Mr. Garrison says sternly "You should work on that mess of a hairstyle you have." Kapowh claps back, "Good one." LameHot whispers to Kapowh laughing.

>>> 30 minutes into the class...

"Why are non metals electronegative in nature?" Mr. Garrison asks the entire class, LameHot raises his hand, "Go ahead LameHot." Mr. Garrison says pointing at LameHot, "Non metals have five or more electrons in their valence shell, hence they have tendency to accept electrons and become electronegative." Mr. Garrison looks at LameHot with surprise at his actual intelligent answer, "Good job, LameHot." He claps.

>>> Class ends.

Exiting the classroom, Kapowh walks after him. "I thought you hated Chemistry?" Kapowh asks, "I do, Chemistry sucks." LameHot laughs, "It didn't seem like that, you were the only one who knew the answer to the question you nerd!", "I'm not a nerd, I just want to keep getting straight A's that's all." LameHot friendly pushes Kapowh, she laughs. "Are you going to buy anything?" Kapowh asks as they enter the cafeteria, "Nah, eating food from the school's cafeteria is like attempting to poison yourself, besides they are selling one hamburger for 12 dollars? Scam.", "It's just 12 dollars and you're a millionaire so why does it even matter?" Kapowh looks at LameHot, "Millionaire or not, you're spending 12 dollars for horrible tasting food.". LameHot heads over to a table while he waits on Kapowh to come back from buying poisoned food. Kapowh walks over to the table which LameHot is seated at, she takes her disgusting burger out, "I can't believe you actually consume that." LameHot almost throws up at the sight of the uncooked looking burger, "It's actually not that bad." Kapowh laughs.

"Is that THE Jeremy approaching us?" Kapowh almost faints.

"Looks like it." What the hell does he want? LameHot thought to himself.

"Hey LameHot, you know our group Skulled right?" Jeremy asks. 

"Yeah I do." LameHot replies.

"Well- uh-  our 3rd member Hatem got into a terrible car accident and we are in need of a replacement.. and well you seem like the perfect replacement for this subject." Jeremy explains.

LameHot contemplates if he should or shouldn't join the dangerous group, or  "gang" as some say.

"I'll join it." LameHot says after a few minutes of thinking of his good guy reputation.

LameHot knew the consequences of joining Skulled, being known as a gang member Isn't really something anyone would want.

"Alright, come sit with the rest of our members." Jeremy says walking over to the table with the rest of the gang members, LameHot follows behind.

"Alright everyone meet LameHot. He'll be our temporary replacement for Hatem till he gets better, or if he's good enough we might make him stay in.. permanently." Jeremy introduces.

Lamehot sits down, "So LameHot, do you have any experience with guns?" One of the gang members ask.

"Yeah I know a bit of information, I'd say I'm quite decent with firearms." LameHot responds.

"Good to know."

"Alright LameHot to prove your worth, your first execution is at Orchard Lane. You don't have to worry about weaponry, we'll hook you up with all you need, guns & a getaway driver." Jeremy says at a low tone to LameHot.

"You want me to kill someone?" LameHot sounds astonished

"You want to be in the gang right? So prove your worth, LameHot." Jeremy answers nonchalantly 


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