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The driver drops LameHot home. He begins walking towards the door feeling wasted. He takes a look at his phone and sees that It's almost midnight, not wanting to wake his parents up he tries to climb inside through a bathroom window. Failing to fit through the window, "Fuck it, I'm going to get caught sneaking in either way." He thought to himself. He goes to the front door and knocks a couple times. Finally, his mother answers the door. "LameHot! Where have you been?" His mother asks worriedly, "I was hanging out with- *hiccup* friends." LameHot answers with a tired tone. The strong smell of alcohol then overflows into her nose, "LameHot, please don't tell me you were drinking." His mother looks at him with concern, "Mom, you know I would never drink." LameHot proceeds to lie straight to his mother's face. "Please mom, can we talk about this later? I'm really tired." LameHot says heading upstairs towards his room. His mother lets him go to bed not wanting to stress herself out. LameHot's mom walks to her room where his father was to speak about what just happened.

"I think our son is drinking." LameHot's mother says to his father

"What?" His dad asks not believing the 6 words his wife just said to him

"Yeah. I wouldn't believe myself either, but he's really drinking."

"Where is he? we can't make him think It's okay to drink at such a young age." His father comments

"No. He's tired, let's just talk to him tomorrow."

>>> The next day.

*yawn* LameHot reaches over and turns his alarm off. He walks to the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror, "Woah I look like a mess." He thought to himself. Having how many drinks LameHot had, he was having a horrible headache. He begins brushing his teeth with the Crest toothpaste. After he's done, he chooses his outfit for the day. He decides to wear a dark blue tee with black pants. *ring ring* He grabs his phone where he sees the contact labeled "Ride or Die 🌠". "Hey Kapo." He answers the call, "Damn, you sound tired." She states the obvious, "Yeah, I got no sleep.", "Oh darn, want me to pick you up at your house?" She offers, "Please do. I can't drive, not in the state of mind I'm in right now.", "Alright! I'm on my way."

Walking down the stairs, he spots his parents looking at him. "LameHot, let's speak right now young man." His father says in a serious tone, "Dad I can't talk right now, I'll be late for class." He runs outside the house before they could say anything else.

Kapowh pulls up in her Subaru Crosstrek. He gets inside her car, "Don't kill us please." LameHot says jokingly, "I'm not that much of a bad driver relax." She laughs, "You are a horrible driver, remember that time you almost crashed into Mxedx's car?" LameHot teases, "Haha! speaking of Mxedx, what happened to him?" She questions, "I actually have no idea, he just stopped coming to school randomly." LameHot says unknown of what happened to Mxedx.

"I have actually heard rumors that Mxedx moved away because some girl broke up with him." She says

"I bet that's not true, but who knows." He shrugs

"Not to be in your business or anything but, you didn't actually join the gang right?" Kapowh asks with a slight concern in her voice

"Pfft, I wouldn't join a gang even if it would save my life." LameHot says quite convincingly

"Good." She comments actually believing LameHot

>>>  Physics class.

"What is a physicist who does experiments called?" Mrs. Lavender asks. LameHot raises his hand as usual for those participation points,  "Go ahead LameHot." She instructs pointing at LameHot, "An experimental physicist?" LameHot says not sure of his answer. "Good job LameHot." She claps, "Does anyone else have a different answer?" The class stays silent, "I guess not. Alright that's it for todays Physics class, please hand in your homework's.". "Shit, I didn't do my homework." LameHot thought to himself. "Mrs. Lavender, I forgot my homework at home. If you give me just another day I'll get it to you." LameHot tries to convince her, "Alright. I'll give you another chance since your grades are fairly good, but get it to me by tomorrow."


Heading to the bathroom, Jeremy approaches LameHot. "What's up LameHot." Jeremy says with a wide grin, "Just because I chose to join your stupid gang, doesn't mean we are friends." LameHot says walking away from him. "Woah woah, did you just say that my gang is stupid?" Jeremy laughs, "You must've forgotten who I am." Jeremy says with a slightly threatening tone, "Alright bro, what do you want?" LameHot stops and chooses to conversate with him, "Let's skip class, I got someone you need to meet." Jeremy explains, "I can't skip class dude, It'll ruin my perfect attendance." LameHot begins walking away, "Dude trust me, skipping one class isn't going to ruin your whole reputation." Jeremy walks in front of him. "Okay fine."


"Meet Hatem, this is the guy who we had you replace. He's feeling a bit better." Jeremy introduces him to Hatem, "Wait so does that mean you're going to be kicking me out of the gang?" LameHot asks confused, "Of course not, you've proven your worth." Jeremy laughs. Hatem clears his throat, "So uh, I'm Hatem as you know. I'm one of the best in the gang so the fact they chose you to replace me means that you must have great potential." Hatem extends his hand out towards LameHot and shakes it, "Well that's good to know." LameHot comments.

"Hatem, LameHot did his first execution yesterday. Remember our old gang member Josh?" Jeremy begins to smile

"Oh shit, no way." Hatem starts getting hyped

"Yup, that bitch got blickied." Jeremy starts to laugh

"My guy LameHot, come here." Hatem calls him over

He daps him up. "Alright my girl is calling me I got to go, I'll leave you two to chat a little." Jeremy says before leaving the room. "Don't tell Jeremy I said this but, I'm still kind of nervous from me killing someone." LameHot says, "Oh don't worry man, I was scared too killing for the first time. If anything you were braver than me." Hatem says in attempt to make LameHot feel better. "Does Jeremy usually threaten his gang members if something doesn't go his way?" LameHot questions, "I've been working with Jeremy for some time now. He can be an absolute asshole, best advice is to never take his words to heart. Jeremy bluffs a lot so his threats usually don't mean anything, but still try to be on his good side." Hatem explains. "Okay. It was nice chatting to you Hatem, I have to go home before my parents suspect anything."

"See you later LameHot."


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