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This chapter will be written in LameHot's POV. (First person)

I can't believe I'm in jail. I didn't think this could've even happened to me. I stared at the prison cells around me looking at all the criminals who are all probably 2x my age. Juvie didn't exist where I was, so I had to go to a regular prison. The cop pushed me into the prison cell which made me trip and fall onto the ground. I lifted myself up and looked at my prison mate, why did they have to pair me with this weirdo? "What did you do to get in here? You look pretty young." My prison mate asked me, okay he seems nice so far maybe being paired with him isn't that bad I thought, "I murdered someone, or I should say I murdered people." I replied with a calm tone,"Oh, basically a mass murder?" He asked, "Yea." I answered.


I lay onto the dirty prison bed. God this bed is so uncomfortable, there is no way I'll be able to fall asleep. I got up from the bed with intention of speaking to my prison mate, but he had already fallen asleep. I sighed, I looked around the small prison cell to find a way to occupy myself. I then saw an old tv in the corner of the room, I grabbed the remote and flipped the tv on. The first thing I saw on the television before me was myself, I was on tv. But not for a good reason. "16-Year-old mass murders 19 people at a warehouse, It turns out he had a partner in crime but they haven't identified who was with him that night." The news reporter explained, but she wasn't done, "It turns out the cause of this was because he was saving his girlfriend who was being held hostage." I turned the tv off. What the fuck. She isn't my fucking girlfriend. Now I felt angry that they said she was. I finally turned the tv back on where this time I saw my mom crying. I couldn't watch this. I turned the tv off once more and went back to the extremely uncomfortable bed. I laid there while my horrible thoughts started to occupy me. After a couple minutes I finally drifted off to sleep.


I heard the loud noise of my prison cell being opened. I looked up and saw the cop staring at me, "Get up kid, someone bailed you out." The cop said as he lifted his hand motioning for me to get out. Before exiting the prison cell, I heard my prison mate mumble under his breath, "Lucky bastard." I didn't want to start anything more, so I just ignored it and walked away. I was trying to think of who could have possibly bailed me out; It couldn't be my parents, they would be way too disappointed to bail me out this quick, could it have been Kapowh? No, it couldn't be, she's still a student just like me, there is no possible way she could afford to bail me out.

I walked out of the prison where I saw Jeremy's car in the parking lot. I walked up to his car and began shouting angrily at him, "Is this it? Is this supposed to be some sort of favor? For you to get me thrown in jail and immediately bail-" Jeremy cuts me off before I could finish my rant, "Relax dude, It's not that serious." Jeremy said then playfully pushes my shoulder. That's it, that's all he had to say, that it wasn't that serious. I'm even more pissed now. I grabbed the hand Jeremy had on my shoulder and twisted it. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?" Jeremy yelped in pain. I finally let go of his arm and start to calm down a bit. "I did you a big favor kid." Jeremy said while he held the hand I had twisted, "How is this a favor? You have my face all over the news for murdering people, what do you think my parents are going to think of me now?" I said while looking at him, "This is just a task bro, it was just a test to see how you would react to being thrown in jail." He said not caring about my reputation not one bit, "Besides, it's your fault, you came to me asking for guns." He laughs, "Yea I came to you because I sort of trusted that you would be able to help me, and what responsible gang leader snitches on his members?" I said, but I'm not done. "If you think you scare me Jeremy, you don't. And don't think I would hesitate to call the cops and get you thrown in jail too." I threatened him. "Is that a threat?" He asked before bursting into uncontrollable laughter, "It is a threat. It would be a shame if you got thrown in jail for all those illegal weapons you have, wouldn't it?" I stared at him with a serious look on my face. He finally realizes that I'm being serious and stops laughing, "Alright chill dude, what do you want? I'll give you money." Jeremy offers, "No. I want a gun, and only if you let me choose which gun I want." I began smiling. He lets out a loud sigh but agrees to let me get a gun of my own.


I grabbed an FN FAL from all the rifles laid out. The gun felt a bit heavy but that's the one I wanted. I placed it into my duffel bag as well as the ammo it came with. "Is the offer for the money still available?" I asked, he sighed loudly again but walks over to his safe and grabs a stack of cash. "Here." he said as he handed the cash to me. I know he was pissed, and that's what made me happy. It took a lot of self-control for me not to just start shooting him. Sounds aggressive, I know, but it would've shown him how pissed I really was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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