First Task

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LameHot was waiting outside Jeremy's house as instructed. "Alright, come in." Jeremy invites the newfound gang member inside, "This is where we keep the goods." Jeremy points around the room, "Alright, what do I need to do?" LameHot asks, still in disbelief that he actually has to kill someone. "Take this." Jeremy hands LameHot a Beretta 92.

"The victim is unarmed so this should be an easy assassination." Jeremy explains

Jeremy hands a piece of paper to LameHot with the alleyway of where the victim is located. "Can I at least know who I'll be killing?" LameHot asks, "It's an ex-gang member who was talking shit, Just make sure he's dead or you'll be taking that role."

"He thinks that I sent you to get drugs, walk up calmly and dap him up so he thinks you're friendly. When he reaches into his bag to grab the drugs, kill him on the spot, no hesitation." Jeremy instructs

"The getaway driver will be at the left of the alleyway. If you feel brave, you can grab the bags with the drugs inside for yourself, but be minded that most of the time they do have trackers inside." Jeremy informs LameHot

>>> 9:00 PM.

LameHot stealthily approaches the alleyway which he was instructed to go to. Approaching closer, He sees a dark figure which he presumed to be the ex-gang member, "Hey you're LameHot?" The ex-gang member asks, "Yeah that's me." LameHot answers dapping the guy up, "Alright, I got the stuff for you." The ex-gang member says reaching into his bag, LameHot shoots the ex-gang member into his chest, with no time to waste he immediately takes off towards the getaway vehicle.

 "Is he dead?" The driver asks, "I-I don't know, just drive!" LameHot panics, "Are you crazy? You have to make sure he's dead." The driver warns.

"So you want me to go back and check if he's dead?" LameHot asks not being able to calm down

"That's exactly what I'm telling you to do, so hurry up before the feds catch on!"

LameHot runs out towards the alleyway with the dead man, LameHot inspects the body carefully and realizes the man Isn't breathing. He takes off towards the getaway vehicle once again.

"He's dead." LameHot reassures the driver.

The driver pulls up at Jeremy's crib, "What are you doing? Bring me home." LameHot asks confused

"You're definitely new to this whole thing, I mean.. do you really want go home after you just killed someone?" The driver laughs at LameHot's stupidity

"I guess you're right." LameHot feels stupid

They enter the house. "Did you do it?" Jeremy runs up to LameHot, "Y-yeah he's dead."

"Good stuff man, I'll reward you." Jeremy smiles

Jeremy leads LameHot into the kitchen where there is multiple glasses of alcohol lined up.

"Drink up big man." Jeremy pats LameHot on the back

"We can't drink bro, we're underage." LameHot spews 

"You're really worrying about drinking as if you didn't just murder someone?" Jeremy begins to laugh uncontrollably

"I guess you're right." 

LameHot walks over to the alcohol filled counter, He grabs onto one of wine glasses and takes a sip of the alcohol. 

"What type of alcohol is this?" LameHot asks sipping on the sweet tasting beverage

"It's Red wine." Jeremy grins


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