Chapter 3

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"One, two, three" I hear our director Simon say for the millionth time. "Ellis stop playing." He says right after. I check my watch and see it's close to eight. Hoping that he will call this to an end soon. "Ellis please start us off." He tells me. I nod to him as I begin. "She only got first chair because she was with Asher director Simons son." I hear someone say from behind me as I try my best to keep playing I mess up. "Ellis we can't afford for you to mess up during our next showcase." Simon says to me. "Yes Mr.Maxwell." I say trying to find clarity within the traveling gossip in the room. "Okay again one, two, three." He says sounding frustrated. As I play it through and the rest join in I try my best to lose myself in the right way. But I have these memories of Asher and I. Asher and I met our first year here. I was playing in a practice room when he came in and interrupted. From there's we had done everything together. But, we had broken up due to his Mother thinking I was 'unfit' to be with her son. With Asher being close to his mother her thoughts fed into his mind. I just never found what their family thought was important, to be important to me. They were money driven. Therefore, they did not care about love or anything of that sort. As we finish up I check the clock. It's now 9:15. I had promised Atticus to be there at 9. As I finally get to his home I see a few more cars parked. As I come into the mansion I hear multiple people speaking in the downstairs living room. As I hear Atticus talking to his friends I hear one say "How about the violinist? What's her name again...Ella?" "What about her?" I hear Atticus say. As I move by the staircase so they don't see me I hear him say "Oh she's stuck up. And it's hard to get in her pants when she has some remark." As my heart sinks. I question myself. Why would I even show up here? Why was I so quick to say yes to this date? I am the cause of my own pain for I am the only fool here. As I leave his mansion. I feel the cold wind hit me so close. I get into my car and begin to drive shifting through all the songs on the radio and trying to avoid being sad I turn it off. It's just as bad. It's a long drive too. And I'm stuck here driving thinking I was stuck to be some sexual conquest. Or a trophy to his foolish most childish friends.

As my new day begins. I find myself listening to my music and just playing the violin all day. As I head onto campus I go to the practice rooms. To practice till my fingers bleed and I have no tears left. As I leave the practice room I start to walk down the stairs when I see Atticus. I try my best to walk past him, coldly, and not draw attention to myself so he can't get to me. He's with one of his friends. A few girls start to swarm by him so I make a run for it. Walking by fast and finally making it out the door. I take a deep breath and wipe the tear I feel coming down my face. "Ellis!" I hear from behind me. I turn back to see none other than Atticus. "Leave me alone Atticus." As I keep walking. "Why didn't you show yesterday? I was really looking forward to our date." He says sweetly and I hate the way he speaks. His voice is deep, yet so soft and charming. "I had a late rehearsal. I'm very busy this time with all of the showcases." I say softly but sharp. Hoping he'd take the hint and leave. "Okay so how about we hang right now?" He says trying to keep up with my fast pace walking. "You know for someone so small you sure do walk fast." He says jokingly and trying to get me to break. "Atticus what do you gain from this?" I ask him while I turn to him and stop walking. He stops swiftly. "Well I get to know the most interesting person. I get to spend my time on something deserving." He says smirking and wholeheartedly. I found it strange. How could someone who just wanted to use me, lie to me so easily. And how could I not feel any anger or hurt? "Atticus I came by yesterday." I say to him and his face becomes puzzled. As he's about to speak I cut him off. "And I heard everything you and your friends had to say about me. What was it again that you said? Oh yeah you said Oh she's stuck up. And it's hard to get in her pants when she has some remark. That's what you said. Am I just a joke to you? Am I just woke trophy? Some tally mark of your many conquests?" I say looking at him dead in his eye. He doesn't break eye contact. But he's as pale as a dead person. "Ellis, I know what you heard was bad. But, I actually genuinely want to know you. If I don't date within my 'social circle' my friends trip over it and leech onto the idea forever." He says. And I'm sure it's true. Because even though he lied to me two minutes ago. I don't feel this as a lie. "Atticus I don't care for social hierarchy but, you're well above you're 'friends' by a long shot in many ways. So why does this matter so much?" I ask him. Trying to hold my feelings aside and think rationally. "Because Ellis. My family have had it all planned out for me for so long. It's just- it's complicated. But, please give me another chance. Please let's go get dinner and talk and just be Ellis and Atticus. Let's go be mundane and just not over analyze." He says to me holding his hand out. "On one condition." I say to him. "Anything" he says to me caving in quickly. "You have to tell your friends the truth." I say to him with my arms at my sides, with one hand holding my violin case and the other in a fist. "Done. I'll tell them tomorrow when we have brunch." He says smiling. I look at his hand and start to reach out but, he grabs it before I fully extend my arm. "So what are you in the mood for tonight? Seafood? Sushi? Pizza? Barbecue?" He says excitedly while I'm trying to make up my mind. "How about you take me to your favorite place." I say holding his hand and gently gliding his ring to rotate.

"This is your favorite place?" I say confused. "Yes, hey you asked and I brought you here so don't judge." He says. "I just never pegged you for a street vendor guy." I say giggling. "I'll have you know just because I wear Dior, and have a Audi doesn't mean I enjoy street vendor food. Plus my Mom used to take me here all the time." He says smiling. Sentiment, he's being bare with me. I shouldn't joke. "So what do you want?" He asks me, looking at me with his eyes in stars. "Same as whatever you're having. I have to slowly trust you somehow." I say to him. As I look up I see a shooting star. As I mentally make my wish I look back to Atticus ordering our food. "Here's your chili dog Luna" He says to me as he starts digging into his chili dog while we walk back to campus. "Luna? Is that gonna be your nickname for me?" I say to him. As he swallows his food he begins to speak "Well I think going by last names is nicer more personal. Plus Luna is a nice last name." "Okay Sterling I'll bite into this 'last name' thing." As we finally head back onto campus Atticus walks me to my car. "So can we possibly hang out tomorrow?" He says to me holding my car door open for me. "Text me the details Sterling." I say to him getting inside my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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