About who you used to be but are different & have changed as a person completely

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Phil reflects on his life and relationship with his sons and Tommy completes a puzzle.

"Just one more story dad?" Wilbur asked, tucked into his bed, Phil's fingers carding through his hair.

"Do you guys think you can stay up late enough?" He asked, grinning at his twins. They had just turned five the day before, but he had to leave for another business trip in about a week so he wanted to saviour every moment he had with them. This job would take him away for at least a month.

"I can, Wil probably won't," Techno said from the other side of the room, but he already looked half asleep himself.

"You going to accept that challenge Wilbur?" Phil asked, amused as Wilbur nodded, a serious look on his face as he opened his eyes as wide as he could.

Phil laughed, reaching over and grabbing another book, letting his voice wash over both the boys. It was a simple story, a book that his parents had read to him when he was a kid. The twins had probably heard it a million times, but they never complained as long as Phil was the one reading it.

Eventually both the boys' eyes blinked shut and Phil softly closed the book, putting it down and leaning down to kiss Wilbur's forehead, his son shifting slightly in his sleep as Phil tucked him in before moving to Techno's side. He repeated the action, pulling the blanket up and gently pressing his lips to his forehead before stepping back, staring down at his two slumbering sons.

He felt someone move behind him and leaned back into his wife's embrace, smiling as she pressed a soft kiss to the side of his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder, arms wrapped around him.

"They asleep?" She muttered, and he could hear the smile in her voice as they looked down at their children.

"Right out," He whispered back. "Took two stories tonight."

"Shouldn't have let them have that extra lollipop then," She giggled, turning to bury her head into his neck. He turned around, pulling her into a hug and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Worth it to be able to have one as well," He said jokingly, shushing her as she giggled, both of them looking back to make sure the boys hadn't heard them and woke up. They slept peacefully.

"Well now you can come to bed and tell me a bedtime story," She sighed, stretching her arms over her head before grabbing his hand and tugging him from the room. He took one last look at his sons before the door was shut, the two of them sleeping peacefully in the dark.

He turned back to his wife, pressing a kiss to her soft lips, both of them grinning into each other's mouth.

He wouldn't trade this moment for the world.


Phil was a busy man. He always had been. His job was a lot of work, requiring him to travel around the world for long periods at a time. It hurt sometimes, to be so separated from his wife and children, but he soldiered through it.

He loved his job and wouldn't trade it for the world. And Kristen was so understanding, never making him feel like a bad man for leaving so often. Even when busy he made sure to constantly message her, to keep in contact and spending every spare moment of his time talking to her.

He loved his family. Truly he did. He had always wanted to be a father, had held that dream since he was a little kid. And meeting and falling in love with the girl of his dreams only helped spur that dream on. He would be the first to admit that maybe he was a bit short-sighted.

His work took him everywhere and Phil wasn't willing to give it up, it was something he had discussed with Kristen at full extent, and she agreed that as long as he was still a part of their life, she wouldn't stop him. So he travelled, doing his job and doing it well. For the first few years it was easy.

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