Chapter 3: Unexpected

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3rd person's POV

In a room of a house that is dark and gloomy, slept Paintbrush on a bunkbed. Recently Lightbulb wanted to be in a bunkbed with them, and how could they deny? Lightbulb was sound asleep above them, but Paintbrush couldn't sleep. They can't help but think about that casino, it was.. uncertain. Every time they take a glance to the place, it was as if it was haunted... or maybe something else?

Paintbrush moved from side to side, changing positions every time, trying to find a comfy position for them to sleep but yet again, they could not sleep.

"it must be around 2 am.. why can't I sleep..?"

Paintbrush sighed quietly, and went out of the bunkbed carefully, just so that they won't bump their head on the roof of the upper bed. The last time they went up without care, Paintbrush's head hurt a lot, now they're way more careful than before. They quickly looked at Lightbulb who was sound asleep, and snoring for bonus points.

"Wow she looks so peaceful like that.. oh well."

Paintbrush walked out of the room quietly, trying to not wake Lightbulb up by the door creaks, and they successfully did. They sighed as they walked to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and walking to the water dispenser. They quickly placed the cup in, and water filled it very quickly.

A few gulps and Paintbrush was refreshed, but they know it won't help them sleep. They just needed fresh air but, they're starting to think that maybe out of the room isn't enough, they need to take a night walk. Seeing the scenery while walking out should help them right? Right? Maybe, but since they live quite far from OJ'a casino, it'll help them... maybe. They quickly grabbed a scarf Lightbulb made for them, and reached to the door.

As they reached outside, they were greeted by the cold wind, softly blowing in front of their face. Paintbrush sneezed in response, it felt like feather tickling your nose. As they quickly sniffled, they continued to walk. The scenery wasn't that beautiful, it was just a normal neighborhood. Well define "normal" for someone as careful as Paintbrush, and "normal" was definitely not tonight.


Paintbrush quickly looked at the direction of the noise, it was definitely unexpected on a quiet neighborhood.

"what the fuck was that?"

Paintbrush quickly rushed to where the sound was, and saw two figures wearing hoods and a mask.

Paintbrush quickly rushed to where the sound was, and saw two figures wearing hoods and a mask

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"Are they

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"Are they.. dragging... a body..?!"

Paintbrush exclaimed in their mind, and accidentally kicked a nearby pebble, it attracted the attention of the two figures.

"Shit! They saw us!"
"What do we do?!"
"...kill them."


Paintbrush quickly saw the taller one take a knife out, this made Paintbrush's fight or flight mode activate. They chose flight, and ran away as fast as possible. The taller one chased after them, fuck, they were fast too. Paintbrush never ran this fast before, taking quick glances to see whats behind them.


Paintbrush thought to themselves, looking forward and sweating like never before. They knew they can't go in their house, otherwise Lightbulb would be in danger. So they ran away far from their own house, worried about Lightbulb. Another quick glance and the taller one was still chasing them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! How is this guy not tired yet!"

Paintbrush yelled in their mind, they were already panting at this point, their sweat being blown away by the wind as they ran. They couldn't hold it anymore, but they knew that if they stopped, they might die. But they were too caught up in their thoughts that the taller man caught up to them, and pounced on top of Paintbrush.

They held the knife near Paintbrush's face, and stopped, leaving Paintbrush confused.


Paintbrush's eyes widened, that voice sounded very familiar to them. Could it be..?

"PICKLE! Come on! Lets go! We need to get out of here!"
"Oh! Right! Coming!"


Paintbrush couldn't believe their ears, this, this was Pickle? THE Pickle? This was absolutely unbelievable, this concerned Paintbrush. Pickle then looked at Paintbrush again, and took his hood off, revealing his entire face.

"Look. I'm not supposed to kill you yet but.. if you tell anyone about this, you're dead. You hear me?"

Paintbrush nodded quickly, they didn't want to die. Especially not by Pickle, who knew he had such strength and speed? Definitely not Paintbrush.


Pickle then got up, took his hood on, and left. Leaving them on the ground, Paintbrush was stunned.

"The Pickle that I know, who got mad at her for betraying him. Now kills people..?"

Paintbrush got up, as they sat down on the pathway, and stood up, brushing the dirt off their pants. Today was a heck of a night, and it was unexpected. Paintbrush needed assistance, they needed as many help as possible. They need to uncover this.. and why Pickle ended up killing people. Besides, wouldn't it be useless with MePhone running around? That is if, Paintbrush knew where he was.

Paintbrush quickly took their phone, and dialed a number.

"Hey Test Tube?"

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